Chap 9 - The Visitor

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        ~~Aphmau P O V~~
As I was hanging out with Shiroya and Kaisho
Good 'ol Red Crap had to ruin the fun! Let's say he 'pooped' on our party! G-get it? Cause I called him 'Red Crap'? Nu? Oh well he said "Slaves! Other room. Now!".

After he said that, Kaisho and Shiroya's eyes became dull and... kinda lifeless. They obeyed, which kinda made me nervous. Ya know that feeling when you know others are going to get in trouble and it's not just you so you're less scared? Then they go away and it's like you're in a horror movie and you just realized you made the worst mistake ever? That's legit me right now.

"So ready to work for me yet?" He said with that stupid smirk.

I shook my head and spat "I'll be ready to commit suicide when I say yes to your stupid offer." I said 'Stupid' with disgust and hate.

"Suicide, eh? I can make you hate life enough for you to be wishing for death."

I mentally scolded myself, why did I have to say suicide?!

He brought in Zane. Zane gave me a flicker of pity through the look language. He then mouthed 'I'm sorry', after he awaited RM's command.

"Zane you brought him... right?"

"Y-yes sir."

"Good. Call him in."

'Wait what? Who's HE?! FLIP!!'

'He' came in. "Who are you?" I asked honestly not caring what-so-ever.

"My name is Mike. It's a pleasure." His politeness came as a shocker to me. RM was talking about him as if I were to be punished by him.

RM spoke. "He is here for his own... pleasure."

"What?! I most certainly am not!" Mike said anger laced in his voice.

"You are now." Red Crap said.

My only thought was 'Foop'


Sorry to the tiny percentage of people who are actually reading this, for not uploading for awhile. But I'm gonna try (and probs fail) to upload more.
And sorry it was short.

Ps the pic on top is a pic of Mike minus the rainbow background.

Pps Mike is a werewolf and the wolf by his feet is his wolf half and also what his wolf form looks like

~ Gleam has left the chat

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