Chap 10 - Oh

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~~~still Aph's POV~~~

"Wait what are y'alls gonna do to me?" I inquired.

"I'm here to play stuff!" Mike said.

"Like what?"

"Hide 'n seek, Chess, Tag, Beer Pong, Ball Tag, Guess the Murderer and almost every game on the Wii U!"

"You, aren't supposed to tell her that!!" RM yelled at Mike.

"So you aren't gonna rape me?" I asked ignoring the fuming RM behind me.

"What? No! I have a soul too ya know!"

"Hey!" RM said. "That was an accident!"

"Yeah! An accident! You accidentally got my first born PREGNANT!!"

I froze at this point. 'Pregnant?! He rapes people?!?' I scooted away slowly into the bathroom, they were completely aware of this and stopped arguing and watched pale-faced me scoot slowly.

"You can continue now!" I yelled once I was in the bathroom.

It was actually pretty nice in there! For a creepy bathroom in a kidnaper's Lair Hideout thing.

Then I realized, that besides that fact I had magic powa, I wasn't bad looking either! My skin was pretty much tanned as if I payed 500 bucks for a spray-on tan! My boobs were nicely sized too, big but not fake big. And my eyes were amazing! They were orange-ish amber-ish and copper-ish-ish! Fuuuuudgeeee I'm gonna get RAPED!! I gotta escape now. I don't wanna lose my virginity to my Kidnaper!!

I looked around the bathroom. I saw the painting of a creepy clown guy, a window, wait! A window!

I climbed up to the window and realized it's locked, but on the other hand, I have another hand, so fudge it.

I punched the window as hard as I could and no freaking budge! Dang must be double paneled! I looked around for something to help break it, and I found a bottle of soap! The stuff inside must've been in there for like a decade, 'cause it was hard as a rock! So I took it and threw it at the window, but I missed. I frowned at my own bad aim.  I tried again and again and after about 15 tries I made it! But all it did was crack, so here we go again.

Three minutes later

I finally hit it again and it finally broke!

"Oh shit!" I muttered, as I realized I didn't think this through, it made a huge crash.


There even though no-one was probably waiting for this here it is.

           ~Gleam has left the chat

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