Another Salvatore

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My name is Laura Salvatore and I am a vampire, in search of my brother Stefan who I had not seen since 1864, the year we turned. I learned that he had returned home to Mystic falls where we grow up. I had seen Damon my other brother once in 1974.

Well, here it goes I am going home to find my brother. I can remember the last time I saw him.

Flash Back 1864

"Laura you have to run, it's not safe" my brother Stefan told me. Then I saw what was going on my father was taken Katherine away, it didn't really bother me but I was shocked that she was a vampire. If I wanted to live I knew that I would have to run.

Tired and worn out I sat down under a tree for a while thinking that I was safe. I then saw a shadow coming down the road; it was Katherine who had found a way of escaping from my father. I decide that I would not run, there was no way of escaping a vampire, I know that I would die.

"Get away from me, I know what you are, how did you get away from my father and the others" I said to Katherine, she looked at me and laughed "Laura you know me by now, I'm smart, I will be seeing you soon" with that she snapped my neck, I would never see my brothers Stefan and Damon again I thought then everything went black.

I woke up a few days later. How was I still alive? Katherine had killed me. "You had vampire blood in your system when you died," someone told me I looked around to see Emily standing next to me, she was Katherine's handmade and a witch. I then learned that if I wanted to live I would have to feed on Human blood before the day ended and that my brothers had become vampires. "I made this bracelet for you, its so you can go out in the sunlight without burning if you choose to become a Vampire."

I knew that I did not want to; I had to get away from here so I would not be tempted to feed. I went out into the forest to hide. It's not like anyone would come looking for me, everyone thought I was dead. I could hear someone coming near me; they had a cut on their hand. The women saw me sitting there. "Is everything OK she asked". I was not listening at this point all I could think about was the blood. Out of hunger, I grabbed her hand and started to lick the blood. Before I knew it I had killed her. I was a vampire know, I had Fangs to prove it.

With all that had happened in the past few day's I knew I would have to leave my home and old life behind me. I took off in search of my brothers.

Another Salvatore(Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now