Secrets form the past part 2

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When we arrived at the cemetery by the old church, we found Damon and Bonnie/Emily there. I knew something bad was going to happen. 

"Stefan" Emily asks

"Hello Emily" Stefan answers. 

"These people don't deserve this, it completely wrong to let them see this type of evil." Emily tells us. 

"What do you mean?" Stefan asks her. 

Damon comes over. 

 "i will make your regret this Emily"  Damon tells her. 

"i wont let you bring them in to this world, they don't belong here" Emily says. 

"Who is them Damon, i thought it was only Katherine in the tomb, is there a part of the story missing." I ask him, but he does not reply. 

"Why does it mater, i thought you and Stefan wanted me gone" Damon says. 

"Emily tell me what you did?"  Stefan asks. 

"to save her, i had to save them all" Emily replies.  Now i knew why Damon really wanted to open the tomb. 

"you saved everyone single vampire in the church" i  ask Emily. 

"with one, come them all" Emily answers. 

"i only want Katherine out, don't you believe me Stefan" Damon asks. 

"i knew that i should never of listened to you in the first place. this has nothing to do with love, just revenge" Stefan says. 

"Damon i have to agree with Emily here, its not right" i say. 

"why cant i do this, the towns people killed them all and say it was a war" Damon tells us. 

"27 vampires Damon, not people, you cant just bring them back" Stefan says. 

"this town deserves it for what they did" Damon replies 

"you are blaming people that were not even around at the time Damon, this happened 145 years ago" Stefan tells him, Damon was getting angry now from what i could see.

"There is noting innocent about any of these people and don't think for a second that any one of them is because once they find out about you little witch they Will burn her, along with us. trust me" Damon says. 

I look over at Bonnie/Emily who has the crystal in her hand. 

"insendia" she chants and a circle of fire appears turning the Crystal in to tiny Pisces. Everything happens quickly them, Damon blurs over to Bonnie and sinks his teeth in to her neck, but i manage to get him off before he can kill Bonnie. I put my hand to her neck and check for a pulse. 

"shes alive but barley, i can help her" I say as i bit in to my wrist and let blood flow into Bonnie's mouth. Elena looks at her neck as i bring my arm away. 

"her neck its healing" Elena says. 

Latter on we are just about to get into Elena's car when Bonnie starts to panic. 

"i don't understand what happened, his face was like a demons, you have to tell me whats going on" Bonnie says.

 she looks to Stefan and I looking like she was about to scream. 

"we wont hurt you Bonnie, i promise" I say. 

"I will explain everything to you, Bonnie, look at me, they wont hurt you" Elena says as she wraps her arm around Bonnie and leads her to the car and then comes back to us. 

"i think it would be best if we walked home" i say to Stefan. Elena seems to be worried about something. 

"is she in danger of becoming one of you" Elena asks. 

"no, she has to die with my blood in her system, just keep an eye out for her tonight and she should be fine in the morning" i say. 

"I'm going to tell her everything Stefan" Elena says. 

"you sure" Stefan asks. 

"i can trust her Stefan and see needs to know." Elena answers. 

"Laura I'm grateful for you saving Bonnie's life and i appreciate that but please don't tell Jeremy about it all"

"he knows what i am, but i can take away his memory for you" I offer but Elena shakes her head. 

"Stefan i thought that you and i could not be together but i was wrong, you don't have to hide from me anymore" Elena tells him.

"I cant do this Elena, I'm leaving town, to many people have died, to much has happened." Stefan tells Elena.

"you cant leave Stefan" Elena says. 

"i have to, coming home was a mistake, i cant be apart of your life anymore" Stefan tells her. 

"What about you Laura, are you going as well, think about Jeremy he cared for you" Elena says. 

"i know Elena but i cant lose Stefan again, i guess things didn't work out here" I tell her. 

Stefan kisses Elena's hand and then we walk away, 

"Don't go Stefan, please don't leave me, this is your home" i hear Elena says as we disappear in to the darkness. 

Another Salvatore(Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now