Helping Stefan

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It had been a few days since we locked Stefan in the cell, Elena had been staying over everyday to keep an eye on Stefan. Today was no different, Elena and I were siting outside stefan's cell.  Damon walks down and unlocks the door, we get up and walked inside. 

"Stefan" Damon says. 

"Stefan" Elena says. 

"Stefan" i say. 

"its so hard to see him locked up like this" Elena complains. 

"You're the one who decided to do it" Damon tells Elena. 

"you helped" Elena said as she looks to Damon. 

"I couldn't have him running around chewing on people. With the town out looking for vampires, could i now" Damon states. 

"it had nothing to do with you actually caring?" i say. 

"you thing not mine" Damon says as he walks away, leaving Elena and I standing there. 

"Elena, i know your worried about Stefan, but we can't spend all day down here, we have other problems to deal with" i tell her, i take her hand and lead her back to the living room. Damon is standing there looking at an object. 

"Did you ever figure out what that is?" Elena asked looking at the object. 

"Nope what ever it is, it doesn't work" Damon said to Elena. 

"Pearl didn't say anything more about it"  Elena asks. 

"She thought she was stealing the vampire compass, but that was the pocket watch. That Jonathon Gilbert was a crazy man. Have you spoken to your uncle lately?" Damon says. 

"I've been avoiding him, plus i've been staying here most nights" Elena answers. 

"so will you be staying again tonight?" Damon asks. 

"is that a problem" 

"Damon, if Elena wants to stay then let her stay" i tell him." Damon sighs. 

"see you latter" Elena tells Damon as she walks out of the room. 

Latter on Damon, Elena and I are siting on the sofa talking, Elena told me that she had been down to see Stefan and he had told her the story of how Stefan and Damon become vampires. 

"so your'e still here" Damon says as he enters the room.

"where you expecting anything else" Elena said. 

"Nope. Has Stefan eaten yet" Damon asks. 

" i thought you didn't care, but i think hes getting there, hes got a lot of guilt to deal with and it doesn't help that you have spent the past 145 years punishing him for what he did to Katherine" Elena tells Damon. 

"so your saying this is my fault" 

"No, No its not ones fault. I'm just saying that your not exactly innocent. you made it your life's mission to make him miserable" 

"Let me ask you a question, In all this important soul searching did Stefan ever tell you the rest of the story." 

"he said that there was more" 

"Yeah that's an understatement" 

Elena walks up to Damon and places an arm around him "Tell me Damon, please" 

Damon tells the rest of the story to Elena, shortly after Elena leaves. I sit with Damon until Stefan walks in with Elena. I walk up to him and give him a hug felling happy that my brother was ok. 

Another Salvatore(Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now