Decade Dance.

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It was morning and i could hear Elena and Stefan talking in his room about the events of yesterday, there was another vampire in town.

I deiced to get up and get dressed for school. I put on a pair of jeans and a black and white t-shirt. When i get down stares i find Damon and Stefan in the lounge Damon is looking throw all the books, but is making a mess.

"what you doing with all the books Damon?" i ask.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about, like i said to Stefan, who of course is still not happy about Atlanta" Damon says and he winks at Stefan.

"let me guess the women from the bar told you another way to get in to the tomb"

"'your just as good as Stefan" Damon tells me.

"don't you have school" Damon asks us.

"yeah, Stefan we better go" i tell him as we leave the house and make our way to school.

Once we get to school we both go our separate ways, i have history first.

At the end of class Jeremy comes up to me.

"hey Laura, i was wondering if you were going to the dance tonight"

"yeah i am going" i tell him as Alaric drops a paper on the desk with Jeremy's name on it. Jeremy picks up with a smile on his face.

"surprised, its a good essay. your thoughts are clear and the argument is laid out well. Its just do you really believe their are vampires in mystic falls."

"no, of cause not, however there has been more animal attacks and deaths here then any other state ."

"its very creative, that's why i gave you the A. just don't get to caught up in it all". he says before we walk out of the class room.

"so I'm guessing that you want to go to the dance with me" i ask him.

"well I'm on punch duty so i wont really be dancing but it would be nice if you were their." Jeremy said.

"ok then, i have to go now, i will see you tonight" i say as i walk of.

After school i get home to find Elena and Stefan siting down. Elena looks like she was crying.

"Elena is everything ok" i ask.

"not really the vampire that i hit with my car is after me, he knew my phone number and told me that i wouldn't get away next time."

"oh that's not good, i think we have had enough vampire problems" i say.

"well im going to my room, i see you at the dance tonight" i tell Elena as i walk of.

Later on when i am getting dressed for the dance. i hear my phone go of and see a text message.

"come to Elena's house,its important The message read. I quickly grabbed my bag and left.

When i got to Elena's house i find Damon, Stefan and Elena siting down on the sofa.

"so what happened then" i ask.

"the vampire after Elena posed as pizza guy last night and got invited in to the house and just now he attacked Elena." Damon tells me.

"well he gets points for that" i say trying to hid a laugh.

"Laura stop with the jokes this is serious, hes been invited in" Stefan tells me.

"so what are we going to do about it" Stefan adds.

"we go and get him tonight,you up for it Elena. " Damon says.

"what do i have to do?" Elena asks.

Another Salvatore(Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now