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This week, I've been thinking about my cousin a lot and how things have changed between us.

He's 5 years older than me but ever since I was born, we were inseparable and soon he became my best friend.

And I never had guy friends and still don't because it always ends in a relationship but with my cousin I obviously didn't have to worry about that. So I felt comfortable around him and I could always be myself.

And when we hung out, he kinda always spent more time with me than my brother and we would tell eachother everything, he would send me these super long messages and always reply instantly. We used to talk every day.

But then he got a girl that was 4 years younger than him. He was 19, she was 15. She was a grade older than me but in the same school.

And he started breaking his bonds with everyone. Shutting everyone out, only talking and spending time with her.

And when I met her, she told everyone that how embarrassed he must be to have me as a cousin and he just stood there and said nothing.

So I stopped talking to him after we fought because I told him she was trouble and that she would cheat on him. But of course, love is blind so he didn't listen.

I asked my friends in cheerleading back then to spy on her and they found out she was indeed seeing another guy but he still wouldn't believe me.

So on it went for 3 months until she left him for the other guy. Heartbroken, he came running back, expecting everything to fall back in place.

But it was hard to forgive him or even trust him again. But I did and our bond wasn't the way it was anymore. And it kept deteriorating.

Until the point now, 3 years later, that our convo's look like this:



Him: Hey, how are you?
Me: Fine and you?

2 weeks later

Him: Good, What are you up to?
Me: Nothing much and you?

2-3 weeks or even a month later

Him: Hey.


And when we're together in person, we still hang out together and talk but it's all about him.

And sometimes I feel like a psychologist because I have to always talk and help him with his stuff.

And he told me that people would never guess a popular guy like him(he was one of the most popular guys in high school) would be related or even know someone like me.

Plus he has a new gf now and it's starting to happen again, so I'm not going to try anymore.

I think she's bad news but my dad told me to let him hit his head again because the last time he visited us, he was on his phone the whole time and ignored me.

And it just makes me sad to think how he screwed up our bond we had.

That's why love is stupid and it's better not to trust people.

About MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora