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I'm dissapointed in myself. I only have 28 BVB songs on my phone, excluding Andy Black's CD.

That means I need 39 more songs....

I'm going to download them on my pc when it gets it's updates because it doesn't want to play sound anymore. Lol.

Also, I started watching Once upon a time and I'm hooked. But I also need to finish Arrow, Supernatural and Grimm....

With school it just seems impossible. I took a book to school today and I literally only read 9 pages... That's all there was time for.

But hopefully I'll make a schedule for myself.

Hope you guys are enjoying the new semester.

And everyone who feels like they can't make it and everyone who wants to cut or end your life. It's really not worth it.

Trust me, I've been there and it doesn't make things better. Just find a healthy alternative to express yourselves.

Try drawing, writing, painting or whatever. Do something you like.

Because in the end, it's worth it to stay alive.


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