Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I roll over and swat at my alarm clock. Before I let myself fall into another slumber I manage to get out of bed and trudge into my bathroom. Staring at my reflection, all I see is a tired version of myself. My grey-almost-white eyes slightly darker with sleepyness. I pull my hair into a tight bun and walk back to my room to get dressed. Today I choose skinny jeans, black Doc Martens and my favorite navy sweater, I like how it goes with my pale white skin and black hair.

Another day another dollar, I think to myself as I dress. I work in a bakery in Lower West Manhattan called The Bread Box. I don't mind it, it's a nice job to have while I'm at the New York City Ballet.

Sometimes I still have to pinch myself to make sure I really dance for NYCB. It was my dream since I was little to be a ballerina and I am actually on my way. I'm enrolled last year as a back-up dancer in minor plays, but my instructor says with further practice I can become a principal.

My toes crack as I walk into the kitchen I share with my best friend and roommate Aly.

“Morning Aly!” I call out to her, finding enthusiasm in my voice.

“Morning Lil, I thought I was gonna have to wake you up again.” The condescension thick in her voice as she doesn't look away from her laptop screen. I have a habit of sleeping late, and thankfully she usually wakes me, but always reminds me without her I probably wouldn't have a job still.

Aly goes to NYU, a choice she tells me she made because of me. She had her pick of universities, but she always knew I wanted to be a dancer as long as we've been friends and that I was moving to NYC after high school. We couldn't bare the thought of moving on without each other, so she chose NYU. Her curatorial dreams blossomed Junior year of high school, and now she already has a job in her desired field. She works at a gallery as a paid intern to a curator. She was always very determined, even back in Boston where we attended high school together. Aly always had to have the best grades, which is probably how she ended up being our valedictorian.

I was about to retort that I am an adult and can take care of myself, but her boyfriend walks out of her bedroom and into the kitchen to join us.

“Hello ladies.” He interrupts. He comes to New York to visit Aly from his school in Massachusetts over the weekends.

“Good morning babe, sleep well?” Aly looks up from her laptop and plants a kiss on his lips and they both smile stupidly at each other. Aly and Jack been dating for 2 years now, but still seem to find each other as charming as the first time they met. I have to admit, they do make a cute couple.

Unable to stand their little love-fest they put on every time they are reunited, I decide to skip breakfast. I tell them both to have a good day grab my jacket before walking down the stairs of our apartment building to the windy, snowy street. I plug in my headphones to my iPhone and start scrolling through my music choices to find something good to accompany me on my journey to work.  

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