Chapter 35

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It felt like something out of a music video as Eleanor and I strolled through the pulsing club, searching for a table. Ray J's “Sexy Can I” was blasting from the ceiling and we attracted many eyes to our statement-making dress selections, and it seemed as if she didn't even take notice.

“This one's got a good view of the stage,” Eleanor begins. “I'm so excited for them!”

I smile at her and nod. I briefly scan the crowd, wondering if the scout is already here.

After chatting for about a half hour I begin to get curious, “Where are the boys?” I question Eleanor, hoping she will have some insight.

“I'm not sure, getting ready perhaps?” I see her look down at her phone and notice she is texting Louis. Probably wishing him good luck, I think to myself. They really are cute.

I pull out my iPhone and send a text to Harry, giving him a quick good luck message. After hitting send I immediately have regrets, what if he didn't want me to? Is that something couples do? Are we even friends? What are we exactly? El must notice my frown because she asks me if I'm okay.

“Yeah, totally. I just want them to perform already!”

Just as the words leave my lips, a raspy voice I recognize powers through the microphone. When my head snaps up, Harry is standing on stage in tight black jeans, a white tee and a headwrap. He looks amazing. I realize the close proximity of my message being sent and him being on stage means he probably didn't get my message yet, and I relax a little. Why am I even worried?

“I'm Harry, and we are One Direction!” He shouts to the crowd and they erupt in cheers as the members behind him raise their arms up and beam at everyone. Louis spots me and Eleanor and smiles at her warmly and waves. She giddily waves back.

A guitar begins to play and I look over at Niall, of course completely focused on the instrument.

Straight off the plane to a new hotel

Just touched down, you could never tell.

Big house party with the crowded kitchen

People talk shit, but we don't listen.

Harry glances down to me on the last line he sings and I feel my pulse quicken. I try and look away and pretend to be interested in what Liam is doing on the opposite side of the stage, but Harry's presence keeps pulling me back to him. After his solo I see him smile to himself, looking at the ground.

By the time the chorus comes El and I are in full on fangirl mode and we are jumping around right next to the stage, singing what lyrics we can pick up. I notice the entire crowd is full of energy and in awe of the 5 boys on stage. They really are incredible. A medley of songs is played and they look completely exhausted after their 40 minute set.

“Thank you all for coming out, we love all of you!” Louis shouts at the crowd and they all cheer again. The other members have already disappeared but he throws another toothy smile at Eleanor and myself before exiting the stage and the lights dim.

“Holy shit, that was amazing! I'll be shocked if they don't get signed, they are so talented.” I gush to Eleanor as we stroll to the bar.

“Right?! So good.” She reciprocates while ordering a round of drinks from the bartender.

“You with the band?” the bartender asks.

“Yeah, I'm dating a member.” Eleanor gushes to the server. She is adorable.

“What about you sweetheart?” He looks at me.

“Um, no, not really. I.. no.” Eleanor and him exchange glances and she looks very intrigued. She thanks him and pulls me to a nearby table.

“What was that all about?” She prys, looking me dead in the eyes. “Oh my god, you are dating Harry aren't you!”

“No! No, I'm not.” I answer truthfully.

“He was basically serenading you the whole time, Lil.”

“No he wasn't.”

She opens her mouth to prove me wrong, I'm sure, but a group of rowdy boys join us, Louis taking his place next to Eleanor and I end up next to Liam.

“How did you ladies enjoy the show?” Louis questions playfully.

“One of your best ones yet, babe! So good!” She is beaming.

“It was amazing.” I agree, reaching for a drink. Harry reaches for the same glass as me and we glare at each other for what is probably considered too long. I pull my hand away and place it in my lap, surrendering. He chuckles as he takes a sip. Everyone else at the table seems unfazed.

A sharply dressed man walks up to the table and introduces himself as Aaron Harley. He piques my interest, and I begin to wonder if he is the recruiter for the label.

My questions are confirmed when he adds, “Interscope records is really interested in you guys, we would love it if you came down and talked to our CEO.”

I couldn't believe Interscope records was the label interested, I thought for sure it would be some small-time label who has no big name acts. But this was huge. I glanced around the table and they were all staring intently at the man, eager to oblige. This is why they came here after all, and their dream was coming true.

“We would love to,” from Zayn was all I heard of the rest of their conversation, lost in my own thoughts. Aaron handed him a business card and told the boys he would be in touch. With that, he strode out of the bar.

“You guys, this is amazing! How do you feel?” I asked eagerly.

“On top of the world! Server, a round of shots please!” Niall shouted to the nearest server and before I could blink a shot was being slid on front of me, begging to quench my thirst and really start the night.

Several rounds later we were all pretty intoxicated to say the least, and the group began to disband. Lou and Eleanor were the first ones to exit, followed shortly after by Niall, Liam and Zayn, saying they were going to carry on the party at a new bar. Harry stayed behind for some reason I haven't quite put my finger on.

“Why didn't you go with them bar-hopping? This is a big occasion!”

“It's not official yet, they're just getting their hopes up.” His words harrowed me. I was a little taken aback by his lack of enthusiasm, but I understood it at the same time. We are both performers.

“Besides... I'd rather enjoy a dance with you again.” His voice is hoarse and low.

Being bold and intoxicated, I responded with “The music here is getting lame, come back to my place and we can dance there.” I winked a little and he perked up.

Grabbing my wrist he tells me, “Come on, I don't want to waste any time babe.”

Unknown [A Harry Fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang