Chapter 4

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We arrive via taxi at the little hole-in-the-wall bar and I tug at the hem of my tight black dress I let Aly put me in. I even let her rim my eyes with black eyeliner and put red lipstick on me. I almost never wear makeup, only a little when I feel adventurous. Now I mostly just feel freezing.

I have no clue how Jack finds these places, Aly is always telling me about weird little spots they frequent. I remind myself New York City is full of them, though. Sometimes I feel so put of place, like I belong in my Boston suburb forever.

We all dance in the middle of the floor for a while to whatever indie-rock songs the speakers are playing. Eventually I make my exit to the bar counter, choosing to sit a few rows back from the stage. Aly and Jack follow me and we order a round of drinks.

“The music in this place is awesome.” I comment. They are both well aware of my love for alternative music. This might be one of my new favorite spots in the city.

“I knew you'd love it!” Jack yells at me over the next song.

The three of us make conversation about Aly's job mostly, until the bartender catches my attention.

“This is from that gentleman over there,” He tells me and points at a cute blonde sitting at a table with some other guys, none of who I can see the faces of at the moment. The bartender slides me a neon green drink in a martini glass. Blondie is looking right at me. He gives a little wave and a wink. I wave back.

“Oh my god, Lil he is cute! You should go over and say hi!” Aly of course is ecstatic a male paid me some attention and is probably plotting our wedding in her mind already.

“I don't know... he is with a group of guys. I feel weird.” I admit. Blondie says something to one of the guys next to him at his table and he turns to look at me as well. He has beautiful blue eyes and shaggy brown hair.

I down the drink and order a round of shots for my table, feeling adventurous.

“What's gotten into you, you hardly drink ever, and now you're ordering shots!” Jack is clearly as surprised as Aly, her expression says he is speaking for the two of them,

“I don't know, I'm just trying to live a lit-,” I begin, until my favorite Arctic Monkeys song comes on. “Oh my god, I love this song! I'm gonna go dance!” I exclaim, the room suddenly looking brighter and fuzzier than before, although I can't even remember how it looked before this exact second for comparison.

I charge to the dance floor, thrashing my body around just as I do when I'm in my room alone. Before the chorus begins, I feel a pair of warm hands on my hips, moving with me. I like the feeling of the stranger so I start grinding on my new dance partner. I can feel the front of his pants getting tighter on my backside, and decide it's time to turn around.

Unknown [A Harry Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora