Chapter 39

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The weekend passes rather uneventfully, only dotted with Aly's consoling actions. We played a lot of Wii dance games, she “let me win” every time of course. She even made dinner and lunch every day. It was a pretty nice gesture, and we savored the time we still had together as roommates.

I called in to Robin at the bakery and told him I wouldn't be able to make it in today or tomorrow because stuff at the dance company came up. He told me not to worry about it, and I felt pretty bad for lying.

I used the entire morning to work on my solo so I wasn't completely a liar and then left around noon to make it to the ballet company. As hard as I tried to ignore it, I couldn't bring myself to act like I didn't care I had no messages from Harry still.


Us soloists practiced a number all through the day until 6pm. Just as I begin to remove my dancewear in the dressing room, another dancer approaches me.

“Oh, hey Mary. What's up?” I ask her as I fish my headphones out of my bag.

“Lana and I are having a little dinner celebration in honor of our soloist positions tonight, we want you to join!” She looks nervous and excited at the same time. “Sorry for the short notice...”

“It's okay, I would love to actually. Can I come home with you now?”

“Yeah, that would be great.”

I finish putting my street clothes on, a pair of black skinny jeans and a black and white striped tee. As we walk into the lobby, the receptionist flags me down. I walk over to her and Mary follows closely.

“Lily, there is a man here requesting to see you. We kept him in the lobby because he looked a little... suspicious.”

“What? Who is he?” She is making me nervous.

“He said his name was Harry.” She is practically whispering. He does looks suspicions, with his tattoos and ripped clothes and all.

“Where is he?” I'm worried now, why is he here? I glance over at Mary and she is lapping up every word, clearly invested in the unfolding drama.

“Ooh, who is Harry?” She asks mischievously.

“He said he would wait, I'm not sure where he wandered off to. I was just about to call you from your studio.” The platinum-blonde receptionist answered, both of us ignoring Mary.

“Oh, thank you. I'll find him.” I walk towards the exit, grabbing Mary's wrist. I scan the large marble room intently, seeing no sign of my visitor.

We push the large, heavy double doors open and the cold Early December air slaps me in the face. A movement to my far right catches me eye. I turn my head and spot Harry, approaching me. His black coat flaps in the wind as he swiftly comes over.

“Harry, what are you doing here?” I ask, concerned. He looked like he was in distress.

“Lily, I'm sorry for the other night, I haven't stopped thinking about it since. You worried me when you didn't come into work today-”

Harry.” I warn him to stop talking before he spills more details to the gossip-driven dancer next to me.

“Don't cut me off. I want you to come over so I can really talk to you.” He begins to drag me away by my wrist but I dig my heels into the ground.

“What are you doing, let's go.” He scolds, looking over his shoulder at me.

“No, I'm going over to Mary's.” I motion to my friend next to me and yank myself free of his grip. “You can't just show up and expect me to leave with you. You were mean.” It felt good to say this to his face instead of in my mind. I glance over at Mary and she is staring bug-eyed at Harry shamelessly. He isn't even acknowledging her.

“I'm sorry, but just come with me now... I was caught off guard when you asked me what was happening with us and I want to talk about it now.” He grabs my wrist and I pull away, again.

“No.” I sternly reply. I grab Mary's hand and pull her towards the big stone steps and down to the sidewalk. She hurries along with me.

“Lyusya, don't walk away from me!” Harry shouts from the top of the steps and it literally makes me wince to leave him back there. My mind is telling me it's the right thing to do. I thank God there iss a cab parked in front of the company and we both climb into the backseat.

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