A Different Night

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A chill, crisp breeze blows back the thick waves of ebony hair to reveal a devastatingly beautiful face

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A chill, crisp breeze blows back the thick waves of ebony hair to reveal a devastatingly beautiful face. Wide, honey brown eyes framed with thick lashes peek up at the man in front of her shyly as her bow-shaped lips turn down into a sweet pout and her smooth, pale skin blossoms with a delicate blush. Several male hearts drop to the ground at the sight and even the man in front of her wasn't completely immune to her charms.

"I'm so sorry, p'Arthit." The soft voice is sweet and melodic. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"N'Daisy, is that you?" Kneeling down with a grin, Arthit gathers up the books that had been knocked out of his hands when the girl ran into him. He also grabs the backpack she dropped before standing up again and hands it to her. "Try to be a little more careful in the future so you don't get hurt."

"Thank you, p'Arthit. I will." Smiling, she takes the bag and slings it over her shoulder.

"How is the freshmen hazing going?" Arthit smiles affectionately down at the girl. "Are you surviving okay, Daisy?"

"The hazers are so strict." The cute pout returns full force as the girl scowls. "Especially that head hazer, p'Kongpob. He looks so nice and handsome but nothing pleases him."

"I'm sure he has his reasons for what he does." Arthit does his best to hold back his laughter. "Has he been yelling or punishing the freshmen a lot?"

"Well... no, it's not that, p'." Daisy's brow crinkles adorably as she tries to think of a way to explain it. "P'Kongpob almost never yells at us. It's just that he's never happy with what we do. Like when he had us sing our school song. He didn't approve when the whole group sang so told us he would listen to each of us alone. That's so much scarier than singing with the group!"

"And what happened?" His brow arches as Arthit tilts his head quizzically.

"It was horrible, p'Arthit!" The girl shifts her weight onto her right foot and her hands grab his arm desperately, looking very much like the cutest koala ever. "He called on one of the guys in the middle of the group to sing first. No matter how many times he sang the song, p'Kongpob wasn't pleased at all and would make him sing again. It went on so long that the poor guy started to lose his voice and his body was shaking from nerves. I thought he'd faint on the spot!"

"Did he faint?" Even knowing the story already, Arthit's natural concern for his juniors kicks in and he pats Daisy's hands that are still stuck to his arm.

"No, but it was close! We couldn't stand to watch the torture anymore. When his voice failed again, the rest of us starting singing for him as loud as we could. It was even louder than the first time when we all sang together." Daisy's eyes get impossibly wide as a thought strikes her and she looks up at Arthit. "Is that what he wanted? P'Kongpob passed the guy after that and left the hall without making anyone else sing. I thought he was just tired and didn't want to listen anymore."

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