My First Valentine - Part 3

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My First Valentine
Part 3: Taken

My boyfriend's face is still pink like a valentine as we sit down at the table with our friends. I know he's embarrassed and won't even glance my way but I can't take my eyes off of him. My lips are still tingling from his kiss, his sweet taste lingering, and everything is hazy except for him. Trying to get a better view of his cute face that's bent over his food, I rest my chin in the palm of my hand and lean low against the table top.

"Kongpob, your collar is in the food." Barely looking at me, p'Arthit's voice is a low grumble. "Quit staring."

"Huh?" It's takes a moment for his words to register in my cloudy mind and I look down to find a stain soaking into my collar, slowly spreading. "Oh!"

"Is our friend's ugly mug really that fascinating?" P'Bright wraps an arm around his larger best friend and they pretend to seriously study my boyfriend's features.

"Nope. I got nothing but n'Kongpob sure is hooked." Shrugging, p'Toota shifts his gaze to me with raised eyebrows. His glasses slide down to the edge of his nose and pushes them back into place with a well-manicured index finger. "Well, n'Kongpob? What's so great about our crazy dictator?"

"P'Arthit is just so..." A warm hand suddenly shoots up and covers my mouth before I can finish answering.

"Eat your food, Kong, and ignore the idiots." I can feel a grin tug at the corners of my mouth as he lowers his hand with a warning look. Capturing those fingers for a brief moment, I stare into the startled eyes of my lover and fall just a bit more in love.

"Yes, p'Arthit." Releasing his digits, I chuckle at his flustered look as he drops his spoon onto the plate with a clatter.

"Whipped." P'Bright mournfully lowers his head across from us, his palm hitting his forehead.

"So whipped." Nodding in sad agreement, p'Toota pats p'Bright's back.

Picking up the closest large red heart off the table, my boyfriend clobbers both of them over the head several times. The two scramble away as quick as they can. P'Arthit isn't holding back and stands up to lean over the table to thwack them one more time. P'Toota screeches and shoves against p'Bright trying to use him as a human shield against the onslaught. P'Bright shoves back and they tumble backwards off the bench in a tangle of cuss words and flailing limbs.

"Get your fat ass off me, Toot!"

"Your fat head hit me first!"

With a satisfied smirk, p'Arthit tosses the heart to the side and sits back down. Happy to have successfully shut his friends up, he takes a large bite of his food. He really is too adorable for words.

The rest of our lunch is fairly quiet with p'Bright and p'Toota sitting at opposite ends of the table and glaring at each other. A rather impressive bruise is forming in the corner of p'Toota's forehead which he tries to cover with a bit of powder. P'Bright keeps rubbing the ribs on the left side of his chest and sighing pitifully. No one is paying any attention to either one.

P'Prem is sitting on my other side and seems distracted, barely touching the food in front of him as he keeps glancing over to the table next to ours where the rest of our group is sitting. Normally, he would have gotten a few good teasing comments in with the others but he didn't say a word. I'm not even sure if he noticed anything that happened. Looking over curiously, I see my friends chatting happily and several girls lingering near the other end of the table where Tiw and Wad are sitting. I think I know what's going on when Wad looks at p'Prem with a guilty and apologetic expression. It's about time these guys man up. They've been dancing around each other for weeks.

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