Chapter Twenty Seven

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Niall pushed my head beneath the car door and quickly whipped himself around. I peeked over the window pane and saw Ross standing in the doorway. He was limping and his eye was bruised. 

'You calling the police?' Ross walked up to Louis. He grabbed the phone and stood on it with his heel. Louis stepped backwards as Ross pointed the barrel of the gun up to his head. Then he smiled in Niall's direction. 

'This isn't over, Niall. You're girlfriend was a brilliant kisser and great in bed, by the way.' Niall bit his lip then punched Ross in the face. The gun went off for a second time, but Ross had already fallen to the ground so it just went straight up. Then Ross dived up and stuck the gun to Niall's forehead. Ross held his left arm over Niall's throat, pushing him against the car. 

'I could kill you right now. But that would be no fun.' Ross winked and dragged Niall by the collar to his car. Pressing his foot to the gas, the two drove off down the street, leaving me to stare after the car. 

Niall's POV

I kept my eye on the gun that Ross held in his hands. I knew what Ross was capable of. He killed his girlfriend. He definitely had the guts to kill somebody else. 

'Why?' I whispered. Ross pulled up at the side of the road. 

'Why what?' He mumbled. Ross turned to me. It was like there was a brand new side. It seemed like the old Ross I knew had come back. The one I grew up with. 

'Why are you doing this? Carrie did nothing to you. did nothing to you.' 

'You came to find me!' Ross yelled. 'Nobody said I wanted to be found. Nobody said that you should find me. I didn't want to be found. I didn't want reminding of what I did. I miss Bea. She was the best thing that ever happened. And I know what you think. That I killed her. Abused her.' 

'You did' 

'I know I did! But that was before. Before the classes. Before I changed.' Ross yelled at me. I just frowned. 

'Then why did you do that to Carrie? You don't even know her. So why'd you hurt her? She'll never feel safe again. She's only fourteen, for god's sake.' That's when the new Ross returned. He smiled at me, burrowing his eyebrows. 

'To get back at you. You grew up to have a great career and an.. well alive girlfriend. I work at a tip. Throwing computer moniters into trailers.'

'You did this before i'm more famous than you.' Ross brought the gun to my head faster than lightening. 

'Don't push you luck, Horan.' I swallowed hard, then felt behind my back for the door handle. Then I felt it and pulled it. I felt out, falling backwards on to the concrete. Then I got up and ran. I sprinted far away from Ross' car just as I heard a gunshot. Another gunshot sounded and I felt a pain shoot up through my leg. I fell head first and fell, sprawled out on the tarmac. I felt the blood gush out of my leg but I couldn't move. I couldn't even scream out. I heard Carrie's voice shout my name as I heard a car door slam. I saw Louis sprint passed me and grab Ross, shooting the gun out his hand. I heard the metal fall to the ground and Carrie held my head up. 

'It's going to be okay.' She stroked my hair. Liam then ran to my side, taking his jacket off and pressing it on my leg. 

'He's losing a lot of blood.' Liam bit his lip, close to tears. 

'Do something!' Carrie shook Liam. Liam just looked at me. 

'Stay with me, yeah?' Liam grabbed my hand. 

'Yeah.' I smiled weakly. And the last I heard were ambulance sirens. 

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