Chapter Thirty Four

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'You ready?' Niall walked over in his chinos and supras, wrapping his arms round my waist. 

'Sure.' I straightened out my skirt and walked out the door, dragging myself out of his grip. I heard him sigh after turning to key. I stepped up to the car and climbed in, as he climbed in after me. He didn't set off. Instead he put his hand on my knee. 

'What?' I mumbled. He looked at me, his eyebrows raised. 

'You said i've changed.' 

'Not this again, Niall.'

'No. No just tell me. How? How have I changed?' I sat back, stroking my hair. 

'Niall...' I breathed out. I turned to him, but he wasn't turning away. 

'When you drink. You're.. how do I say this? Rougher. You kiss me diffrently and I don't like it. There. I said it.' I sat back and folded my arms. He removed his hands and placed them on the steering wheel and I saw his fist clench round it. I sat up, unfolding my arms and staring at him. He seemed to have a small flicker of anger in his eye. I held my breath, and reached out and hand. As soon as I touched it, he relaxed and pressed a foot on the gas. The car sped round the corner. I bit my lip and just started at my knees. I knew Niall took that badly, but I had to tell him. Bottling it up wasn't good. We drove past the cinema. 

'Niall. The cinema is back that way.' He ignored me, and drove round the corner. I turned to my left and saw a long, dark ally way. 

'Niall..?' He looked at me, trying to smile. He got out, as I stayed seated, but he soon came round the corner and few seconds later and opened the door. He grabbed my hand and I climbed out, letting him lead me down the ally. 

Niall's POV

 I lead her round the ally way and she leant on the wall. I sat with my back resting on the wall and hid my face in my hands. 

'I'm sorry, yeah?' I finally said. 

'For what? For changing?' She asked. 

'Yes!' I jumped up, spreading my arms by my side. I walked slowly towards her, and placed my arms on the either side of her head. 

'I don't want to change.' I leaned my head on hers, and breathed in her perfume. 

'I'm sorry, Niall. I didn't mean for you to take it this way.'

'I don't want to scare you.'

'Let's just go see the movie. Please.' She whispered.

'I can't.' I mumbled. 

'What why?' She bit her lip. I took and arm and lightly wiped my finger against her warm lips. She slowly stopped and looked at me. 

'Look me in the eye and tell me everything is okay.' She looked up, blinked a few times and turned back. I walked back down the ally, and spotted my car down the road. It looked like it was...moving?

'Hey!' I saw a face turn round and suddenly three more did. One laughed, and threw a baseball bat on the ground, and ran. 

'Shit!' I ran quickly towards my car and stared at it. The roof had been smashed in, and the wind screen shattered on the chair. The door was caved inwards and the paint smeared off almost completely. 

'Niall?' I heard Carrie shout from down the road. 

'Stay there. It's not safe.' I yelled back. I turned to face the road and saw the four that had smashed my car. They winked at me. That was it. I turned and ran for them, but they disappeared down another ally. I stepped carefully down it. I heard the bins rattle against each other. I wasn't sure if it was the wind or the men that attacked my car. Then the bin fell over and ran towards it, pulling it apart. A quick glance. 

It was Ross. I fell to the floor but picked myself up again, and ran round the ally, running into Carrie and falling to the ground. 

'Carrie. Don't go round there!' Carrie ignored me, and walked round to face the ally. 

'Why? It's empty?' I stood up, shivering and stepped towards to mouth of the ally. 

'Ross was there. I know it...'

'I knew this date was a bad idea. I need to go to school tomorrow, anyway. Come on, Niall. It's alright.'

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