The PrimeMinister

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It's the year 2017. The charter of rights and freedoms was burned along with all of the members of parliament. The people elected a new party to run the country: The Kingdom. The Kingdom consists of several members; the leader, or PrimeMinister, keeps everything in a system of checks and balances (mostly). With most of the country in a state of anarchy, the PrimeMinister is trying his best, despite his incompetence.

"Mr. Prime Minister," a member of the press said, "What do you think of the current situation our government is in? Are you aware of our country's current state of panic?"
"Uh," he said, "What the heck are you wearing?"
"Mr. Prime Minister, this is no time to talk about my well-put attire. Could you answer the question?"
"You're outfit is distracting me," The PrimeMinister said, "No further comments."

Berry Waterloo wasn't always as powerful. When the previous prime minister was burned to death in a tragic fire that occurred in the old parliament building, he was the next in line.
Berry was a nephew to Terry, the old prime minister. Terry had left a note on his table that morning, assigning Berry to be the next PrimeMinister in the event of his death. Some say that Terry, who was not liked by many citizens, caused the fire and murdered the entire cabinet. Before Berry was PrimeMinister, he was a Principal at a small little crap school in the middle of nowhere, so he has had tons of experience handling power. Terry also left a note recommending the people he thought should be in charge of other various sections of the government.
And Berry, being the considerately unmotivated person he was, appointed everyone Terry had suggested without even looking at the whole sheet.
The head of the senate was Monica Covertin. She was kind of strict and liked candles a bit too much, but really she was the only one who actually got anything done.
In charge of the military was Verny. No one knew his real name and he preferred it that way. V ran a good army, and was good at throwing things like markers and grenades.
the coveted deputy prime minister spot had been separated between people a tall guy known only as, The shaq, and Gerri, who also moonlighted as a pop and jazz singer.
Inside the cabinet were a variety of very colourful characters. Lauren has a background in high school PE; no one is really sure how she got in as she was often known as a dictator because of her often changing hostile behavoir. Hans is a leader of the Alternate Senate, which is a subsection of the Senate where all the members are mentally and/or physically challenged. As the leader, Hans is probably the most challenged out of the whole Alternate Senate. He doubles as a pregnant woman in Rupaul's Drag Race. Blondwigg comes to parliament meetings maybe once per month, and when she does there is constant bickering and she brings her pet squirrel along with her. Then there was Aaron: she, like the prime minister was not very motivated and she rarely comes to the house sessions.
Hookah was the architect rebuilding the parliament building, who got hired after they realized she was super smart and probably could do cool stuff (they didn't know what). He was married to Mr. Grassnod, a PrimeMinister of another neighbouring country who occasionally came to give Hookah her lunch or pick up the kids from soccer.
Of course there was the American who came in to the country every once in a while to discuss policies and trade. Her name was Annie and she barely looks like she's 18 but she is definitely the most qualified of all of the members.

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