Chapter IV

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"That's what actually happened?" Shaq asked, running his fingers through his long, flowing hair.
"Yeah," Berry said, "Go into my office and see for yourself."
"No snakes though?" Gerri asked.
"Why would that be a bigger issue than the red spray paint all over my office?" Berry questioned.
"Just answer the question, Berry. No snakes?" Gerri repeated.
"No snakes."

Aaron walked by the brig clutching a warm coffee cup on her way to her office.
"You!" Verny yelled, pointing to Aaron between his cell bars.
"What's fifteen plus seven?"
"W-what?" Aaron seemed confused, "Fifteen p-plus seven?"
"Go!" Verny yelled as his voice grew even more intimidating with every syllable.
"U-uh," Aaron stammered.
"WHAT IS THE ANSWER?" Verny demanded, his words were sharp and startling which made Aaron drop her coffee.
"My coffee!" Aaron said in her weakened state, "I'm sorry, I j-just woke up. It's too early for math."
"Twenty two," Verny said, "Next question!"
"I-I really should be going," Aaron said as she slowly pulled away from the conversation.
"OPEN MY DOOR," Verny yelled, "THREE TWO ONE GO!"
"I-I really shouldn't do th-"
Aaron barely had time to think as she opened the cell door and let Verny free.
"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Verny said as he walked out of his cell. He put his phone to his ear and began talking.
"I did what you asked. The next step is to take over the Kingdom."

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