Part phive

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Barry sat in his office staring blankly at the wall. He hadn't had even a wink of sleep since his office had been vandalized, and that had been just about over a week ago.
"Where's Annie?" He asked rhetorically. He hadn't seen Annie for a week, and really needed to talk to her. It seemed like she was the only staff member who actually listened to him.
The last thing he said to her was "Bye." And he regretted it a lot.
Hans came in with a blonde wig on and two streaks of blue eyeshadow on his eyelids. A small black dress was over his regular outfit, pyjamas.
"You called, sir?" He said in the highest pitched voice he could make without breaking any windows.
"Hans, I've said this once and I'll say it again. You aren't Annie."
"But sir, I want you to be happy! Does this make you happy?"
"No," Barry responded, "Bye, Hans."
Hans left, humming in his high-pitched Annie voice.
Barry looked outside as rain drizzled down onto the sidewalk. He felt as though he reached a low point in his life. He was in charge of a country and should be happy, but how could he be happy at the fact that someone was after him, all his employees were hopeless, and the one person he could talk to disappeared?

Shaq was heard sprinting down the hallway and burst into Berry's office.
"Berry," Shaq said, "We have a problem. Verny's gone."
"Relax," Berry said, "It's just Verny. He's proven himself loyal. He probably just went home."
"No," Shaq said with an urgent look on his face, "You don't understand. Come. Have a look for yourself.
Shaq led Berry out to the swimming pool on the roof. Monica Coverton was floating face-down in the pool as red water was around her. Monica was dead.
"Oh my god," Berry said, "He killed Monica! Call 911!"
"Berry," Shaq replied, staring at the body, "I don't think we should. This is the kind of publicity we don't need. I think we should take this into our own hands."
"And do what? Burn the body and drain the pool?"
Shaq didn't respond.
"You're not serious?" Berry said.
"I'll get the matches," Shaq said and left the roof.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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