Chapter 3

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Annie and Barry ran out of the office to see Monica Coverton sink to the floor as blood pooled around her. Verny stood, as shocked as they were, with a gun in his hand. The two rushed to Monica to tend to her injury.
"Verny," Barry exclaimed, "How could you?"
"It's her damn candles," Verny said very aggressively, "I can't stand them!"
"So you shot her?" Annie said.
"What else was I supposed to do?"

Lauren jumped from the roof with a first aid kit in her arm. "DID I HEAR A FATALITY? You know, I double as a PE teacher and that's practically a medical doctor! Let's see this wound!"
"If you are saving her life," Verny said, "Don't bother. She deserves to die. She lit those goddamn candles and she knows I hate it. Let her die slowly."
"Okay," Lauren said and began packing the wound and applying pressure. "Just like taping an ankle!"
"Atleast she's in a good mood today," Barry mumbled to Annie.
"He's a little prick," Monica said as she slipped in and out of consciousness, "he is the definition of an asshole. I would know, I've memorized the dictionary."
"Do you wanna get shot again bitch?" Verny said as he raised the gun and pointed at Monica.
"No!" Annie said, "No. I've had enough. E.T.!"
"Yes, master?" E.T. responded. His full name was Effie Toad, and socially was under all the other members of parliament. He was at the members' disposal. His bald head and tattooed skin marked him as the Parliament's property.
"Take Verny and put him in the brig. He's been a bad boy."
"You know it, sassy." Verny said with a wink.
E.T. took Verny to the brig as he made derogatory remarks the entire way down.
"There," Lauryn said, "Good as new. Just don't lift anything heavy for a while as the bullet imbedded itself in your deltoid muscle. Hope to see you happy and healthy tomorrow!"
Monica slowly hobbled out to her vehicle and went home. Lauryn swung herself back into the rafters and closed the ceiling tile behind her.
"God," Annie said, "This is the worst job ever. See you tomorrow."
"See you," Barry said as he walked back to his office. With all the commotion, he forgot to lock his office door. The room was trashed, papers threw everywhere. Red spray paint was on the wall, saying TERRY IS BACK.

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