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Jake's POV

We were in the grocery store. You wanted ice cream even though it was cold out. You couldn't decide what flavor you wanted and I was teasing you about being so indecisive.
  I suggested we buy every flavor in the store and you laughed.

It was the kind of laugh I could listen to for the rest of my life. You said I was silly and kissed me, pressed against me so I could feel the tip of your now bright red nose.
   You were only in sweats, hair fairly messing from being in bed all morning.

In that moment, I loved you. I didn't wanna admit it, but I had fell completely in love with you.

Yet we were only looking for ice cream.

I rubbed my eyes as I laid on my back in the dark.

"God, how could I have fucked up so bad?!"

I wanted to punch something. I wanted to scream. Who knew this would make me such a different person?

I sat up and looked at my room. My eyes followed around to the dirty clothes near my hamper that never made it in when I yelled 'Kobe', to half full bag of 2 day old popcorn of my binge session.

My still red watery eyes stopped on something. Something unfamiliar.
    A letter.

I could see perfectly well what was on the front.


I got up without hesitation and picked it up. I stared at it.

Stared at it long and hard.

That's when I found myself opening it. Found myself reading it.

Found myself crying.

Dear big head Jake,

   Your asleep right now and that's the only reason I'm writing this. You woke me up drooling on my forehead. If you ever see this and wonder why I don't lay under your face anymore, that's why.
   Anyways, it's only been a month and even though we only hang out as if we were just friends, I always think about you'll never feel the same way. I think pretty soon I won't be able to just extinguish these feelings away.
  No matter what happens, I want you to know that I'll love you no matter what. Now I'm going to put this about anymore because your dumb ass will probably never find this.

I laughed at the end of the letter because she was wrong about that and she was wrong that she'd thought I'd never feel the same way.

This also ment....she lost the bet. I won which means-! I didn't even finish the sentence before running to the door.
     I opened the door and stopped in my tracks.
What if this doesn't matter?
What if I fucked up to bad?
   It didn't matter.

Emily was right there. Right in front of me.

I would've expected her to have red eyes from crying, possibly even at the hospital,but she was smiling and here, in front of me.

"Emil-, I mean hey Em. What's up?"

Why was she smiling?

"The bet." She basically whispered.

A smirk slowly creeped its way onto my face.

"You lost."

Her smile quickly faded. "What?"
  She wasn't smiling anymore.

I quickly pulled out the letter I had vigorously shoved in my back pocket and gave it to her.

Without the confused expression leaving her face, she unfolded it and read it.

Not all the way through before her mouth adjuring and her eyes slowly inching her ways up to mine.

"You dirty dog."

She didn't say this with an aggravated tone but with a teasing joking tone.

I raised my eyebrows waiting for her to make her next move. God she was so beautiful.

"Jake." She sighed. A sigh that I wish was my ringtone.

She looked down,"look up at me."I said.

She looked up me, I could literally see the stars in her eyes.

"I want you to look me in my eyes and say it."

A smirk formed onto her face now too."You first."

My eyes fell onto her lips and I inched my way towards her,"Emily."

She pointed at her eyes basically telling me to look into her eyes like I told her mine.

"I love you."

She closed in the space between and before our lips were barely grazing each other's,"I love you too."

Our kiss was something passionate. It hadn't felt like anything before. All this time and this was our first kiss. It was a breath of fresh air and I felt like if we stopped I'd suffocate.

She pulled away leaving me wanting more,"Jake,"

Even though her voice sounded broken, it was beautiful.

"About Blake, how did you know him?"

I let air out through my nose and examined her face. Her eyelids were still swollen probably from crying, her nose was a little crusty on the sides from her vigorous sneezing, and her eyebrows were quivering as if they were barely keeping her together.

I was scared to tell her, but she needed to know.

"Emily," I lifted my hand and pushed her hair behind her ear. She had the most softest hair.

She grabbed my hand noticing that I was losing focus of the question,"Please Jake. I can't stand not knowing."

We sat down on her front porch and I told her everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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