Quidditch part 1

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We where in a field with broom sticks 'please don't tell me we have to fly' I thought to myself kind of scared that I was going to fail but I didn't let anyone know. "Okay today we are going to be learning how to fly" the teacher said (I don't remember her name). "Now step to the right side of the broom." we all step to the right side of our brooms and wait. While she was saying more instructions I was daydreaming. "Did you hear me Dannie?" someone asked and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah sorry I kinda didn't pay attention." I say seeing it was Aryelle. She nodded. "Um... What are we supposed to be doing?" I asked her she giggled and told me what I had to do. Neville's broom got out of wack and he had to go to the nurse to be honest it was kinda funny kinda of okay I'm not that mean. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone pick up something from the ground.

Cliffhanger! Sorry if it's a bad chapter I'm trying but if you like ut cool

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