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It's so insane to me that you can go from loving someone with all your heart to loving someone else when that relationship is over. I've dated people in the past but I never loved except for the the one person I did love but we broke up four months ago. I've only just now started wanting to find someone else and it has been so hard on me. But my dear friend of many years goes from guy to guy like he changes his underwear and I don't understand how his heart can be ready to jump into another person so fast.

I don't know, maybe I'm just feeling lonely with Valentine's Day fast approaching and it will be the first time I'm single since I was 15. Recently I've been seeing someone new and we hung out all day today and I really hope it goes well, but I'm also still pretty raw from my recent heartbreak. Like when I imagined my future, I imagined her there with me with our children and now that future has been ripped away from me.

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