The Man in my Dreams

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For about a year, there has been a man who stars in a lot of dreams. I don't know/remember what he looks like but I just know it's him.

In my dreams we will go for romantic walks on a beach and just talk forever, or we will go to restaurant and eat amazing food and he will make me laugh and tell me how much he loves me, or we will just lay in bed and we will kiss and talk and have sex.

And when I wake up I am so sad and I just want to get back in the dream and be with him. I think the whole thing stems from how lonely I have been, but a part of me wonders if this man in my dreams is real and if he's dreaming of me too and we just meet up in our dreams. I guess only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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