010: Harry Potter Admins

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Bingu | bvngu-

About Bingu;

Hello! My name is Bingu and I am very much in love with the Harry Potter series. I'm getting round to rereading the series to about three times and I hope it continues to be a large number!

Please don't be afraid to ask for advice or message me, I'm usually almost always free! I tend to be quiet and I mind my own business, but don't hesitate to hit me up.

Last thing I wanted to say was that I'm in multiple fandoms, message me about any game fandoms and I will be glad to talk! Also, if you wanted to know, I'm an Asian American, so I guess you could say I'm pretty chill.

Kira | Hogwartswolfie

About Kira;

Hello, My name is Kira! I'm a Harry Potter fanatic, name any fandom and I'm probably in it.

I'm half Chilean and Half English, I love writing and reading amazing book here on Wattpad. If you have any recommendations feel free to comment! :)

-I've read all of the Harry Potter books at least five times also any mtv scream fans hmu.

Um, I think that's about it and if any of you are having any problems or issues and you need someone to talk to feel free to direct message me or Kik me at @// hemmings20000

Del | bleachedpotatoes

About Del;

Hello! My name is Del or Dana and I am crazy over Harry Potter.

I am from America and I am learning to speak German! I am extremely hot-headed and I like to have my way.

If you ever have any troubles or just need someone to rant about Harry Potter to. Please dm me with the @ above! I would love to talk to you all I hope that I can help you in anyway possible.

Hugs and Kisses,

Braxton | BraxtonDoesBooks25

About Braxton;

Hi, my name is Braxton. Oddly enough, today is my Birthday (Jan 25). I think Wattpad doesn't deserve a change, but it needs one.

I started watching Harry Potter two years ago. I started to really love it by the fourth movie. I was wondering how I could get more HP. A friend loaned me the first book when I was at HP6, and I found it fun to compare the books to the movies.

Around 2014, I started watching lots of Netflix. One day I came across the Walking Dead, and I watched the first season in one day and was HOOKED!!! I thought it as the best show ever, and I kinda forgot about Harry Potter until Summer when The Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts came out. They brought me back to the fan club. I still LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVVVEEE TWD, but HP is also an amazing book/movie series.

But Titanic is boss. No one ties Titanic. Yes, La La Land, I'm talking to you.

If you have any problems with your HP fandoms, let me know. I'll be online everyday for 3-5 hours, and I'll try to answer your problems ASAP.

Don't get bit...

KK | Lost_Ink_Monster

About KK;

I'm KK. I'm part of the Harry Potter fandom and have been part of it for over a year now. I really enjoy writing and reading. I'm very sarcastic. I hope to make Wattpad a safe and happy place again.

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