Ember -Prolouge-

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There is a belief that all superheroes are flawless beings. Most likely, it is their job as heroic figures, that rid a place of all crime and evil. That, coupled with the many superheroes the world has seen, ones with the gift of flying or the ability to shoot laser beams from their eyes, makes us believe they are perfect. But, invariably those heroes are comic book characters. They are not human. 

So perhaps this was why the world was not prepared when the first, real superheroine stepped into the scene.

In an oceanside city named San Marino, they have that hero.  She was an orphan who pulled herself together out of nothing and became everything everyone else needed. Her name, Ember. Her name is fire. Her hair, a brilliant scarlet like the flames she can morph from her fingertips. She is their savior. Their protector. 

Their first heroine.

You couldn't go anywhere without seeing her face. It was everywhere--blazing on the front of the newspapers, magazines, advertisements, billboards and merchandise. She was someone to sweep the streets clean of crime and provide a steady flow of money for the city and the members of Bones Incorporated at the same time.  She was, all by herself, a franchise.

But everything changed when a new hero moved into town--a stronger, better, faster hero.

When he striped her of her fame, her job, her life and killed off everything she made for herself, she is left a small, unloved homeless girl, bent on revenge.

This is how villans are made.

This is how Ember became one.

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