Ember -5- (Story of an ex-Superhero)

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From years of fighting crime, Ember learned that when a gun was pulled on ones head, never to look. She had once, when she was younger and still held a touch of innocence from the world, and the memory of it stained her brain and haunted her nightmares. Christina Delangio apparently didn't know this and screamed, wide eyed at the mess that covered the carpet.

"Look away," Ember said calmly, the dizzying scent of blood heavy in the air and trained her dark eyes on the boy with his whitish hair and pale complexion. He looked almost like a ghost, except for his eyes that were dark, blue and intelligent. He stared back at her, with a serene, indifferent expression on his face like he hadn't just pulled the trigger on a gun without using his hands.

The thought of it made Ember anxious and her fingers were tingling with fire. If he made one wrong move, she would burn him until the only remains of his would be a pile of back ashes on the plush cream-colored carpet. He lifted his hands, like he was about reach back and flick his fingers like he did before and let something fly at Embers head. Quickly, she whipped a fireball in his direction, which with another flick of his fingers, stopped it in his tracks and aimed it at one of the vases on the table. It hit the glass, and melted it on spot, water and burnt flower petals spilling all over the glass-topped table. You see, the thing about Embers fire, is that it isn't normal. It's much hotter than your normal campfire or even a lighter and ten times stronger. It's what's special about it, but then again, its also what makes it a curse.

Ember looked back quickly at the boy who laughed mockingly at her, "So this is Ember, heroine of San Marino," his eyes trailed up and down her body, making Embers face heat up, "I thought you wouldn't be the reckless, destructive type,"

"Who are you to say that?" she hissed and pointed to the body of the criminal whose brains he blew all over the carpet.

The boy laughed and kicked the criminals toe lightly, "I was just fixing the problem you created,"

"That's some sick, twisted way of doing it," she frowned, "And it doesn't even make sense,"

"Well. If I hadn't stepped in and helped, it would've been her brains scattered across the floor," he said simply, pointing at Christina, still in shock and huddled in the corner of the room. She didn't even seem to notice the two of them were talking about her. But Ember had other things on her mind than Christina Delangio's mental state at the moment like how the boy was right, he had saved the life of the Presidents daughter but he he did it in a cruel, twisted way and how he stood there like he hadn't interrupted her job.

"I've never met another person with powers like mine," the boy said, nearing closer to her/

"I don't have powers like yours. Whatever yours are," she found herself stepping back, unnerved by him and his calculating gaze.

"You could say I have telekinetic powers, but I've done things so much more than that," he grinned.

The next thing she knew, was a voice in her head. It was a strange, dark voice that made her blood curdle in her veins. It had an enchanting effect though, and made her mind go hazy, like she had drank one too many alcoholic drinks. She almost succumbed to it but a sharp spark zipped through her mind and told her that it was foreign and not her own. The thought of someone else in her head made her body shiver and she shook her head until it disappeared.

It was as if she had woken from a lingering, lucid dream. For a few seconds, nothing seemed real, but she quickly shook it off once she saw the boys face close to her own, a strange expression lingering on his features.

"Very strange. Doesn't seem to work on you," he shook his head, brow furrowed in confusion. Realization dawned on Ember.

"Did you just try to invade my mind?" she shrieked, feeling her temper rising, fire boiling her stomach. When he didn't say anything and just glanced casually at Ember, it was as much of a yes as if he nodded his head.

Ember felt her temper get the better of her and stormed towards him in blazing anger"I don't know who you think you are, but if you EVER try anything like that again, you'll be sorry," she had one arm on his shirt, and another in the air, ready to send a punch straight across his face that would shatter his nose and give him two painful black eyes, "Got it?"

It was then, when Mr. Bones and a legion of cops entered the room with a disapproving frown implanted in his already wrinkled, middle-aged face.

And that was the last day Ember was a Hero.

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