Chapter 7

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Music was playing and I was swaying my hips as I flipped the pancake. I was singing to the song as a pair of hands found there way on my hips. "You're teasing me." Leo's voice whispered into my ear.

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast." I whined as he turned down the music.

"How'd you like your new room?" He asked as he swayed my hips with his hands.

"Didn't get to take it all in but I bet it's wonderful." I answered as he tried taking a pancake. "If you touch that you will lose a damn hand." He pulled his hand away and smirked.

"Feisty," he chuckled before backing away. "I like." I put the last pancake on the plate and shut off the stove. He grabbed plates out for me and I started putting the dishes together.

I set three pancakes on his plate before shaking some powdered sugar on the top. I sprayed whipped cream on top and topped if off with some cut up strawberries. I set the plate in front of him and he dug in.

"You are an amazing cook." He moaned as he continued eating. I smiled as Tyler walked down the stairs.

"Come and eat." I said and set up another plate for him. I set it next to Leo on the island before starting the dishes. I cleaned up as Leo finished his pancakes.

"We're gonna head to the mall so get ready." Leo said before kissing my cheek and heading up the stairs. I smiled at Tyler before walking up the stairs.

I walked into the room and took in the new decor. Lights hung over my bed and the words, we only breathe for so long were written on the wall. My wall was now painted with a dark green color. My bedding matched the color of the room and a crab sat on the pillow.

I smiled as I opened my walk in closet which was now painted the same color as my room. I shut the door and grabbed undergarments out of my drawer.

I walked into my bathroom which was now painted gray. I set my undergarments on the sink and turned on the shower. I turned on my music before stripping and climbing in.

I was scrubbing my body when I heard Leo's voice. "Skip song." He said and the song skipped. "Thought you would like that feature. You can also search for a particular song. Meet me downstairs when you're ready."

He walked away and I scrubbed my body before shutting off the shower. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I pulled out the brand new straighter and plug it in. I slipped on my undergarments and started straightening my hair.

I walked into my closet and picked an outfit before putting it on. I checked my appearance in the hanging mirror before slipping on vans and walking down the stairs.

Leo was leaning against the counter as Tyler was looking at the pocket knife in his hands. "I gave him a knife." Leo said as he pushed himself off of the counter. "He needs to start protecting himself."

He grabbed his phone before heading towards the door. We followed him out and down to the car.


We walked into the mall and Leo's arm snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He gave Tyler a wad of my money and sent him off. "Now time to spoil you."

We walked into an apple store first and started looking at Mac books. "Found one you want?" I pointed to smaller silver one and he picked it up. "Go choose a decal."

I walked over to the decals and looked until one caught my eye. I picked it up and grabbed a few others before walking over to Leo. He paid for the laptop and decals before walking out.

We walked up to the food court and walked over to Tony Lukes. We ordered our cheesesteaks and Leo told me to go find a table. I placed the bag next to my chair and sat down as Leo came over with our food.

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