Planning our plans

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"You don't need to do this." I said, calmly.

"You don't get to tell me what the fuck to do!" He shouted, startling me a little. He held the gun in the perfect position: right between the eyes. His hand shook as he held it there, and tiny beads of sweat ran down the side of his forehead.

"Listen, I'm not trying to hurt you. I just need somewhere to rest." I told him, and he lowered his gun down a little. I let out a sigh and he immediately snapped it back up.

"How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep?" He growled. I handed over my knife.

 "Here, take it and put it somewhere safe, I want it back tomorrow morning though." I stretched a little further and placed the handle in his hand. He took it and lowered his gun completely.

"There's a sofa-bed in the back, you can sleep on that." He grunted and turned. That's when I really took him in. He was quite a bit older than me, maybe 40, 45 years? He had a strong jawline which was lined in grey-black stubble. His eyes were dark and hard set and his hair was kept short in a small mess on his head. He seemed like a geniuinely nice person, once you get to know him. He was one of "those" guys. The kind that are really cold to you, then open up once you've gotten to know them a little better. 

I turned and opened the post-office door. It looked like he'd cleared most of the things out of the way. The post and packages had been cleared out completely, and a sofa-bed, a matress, two chairs, and a make-shift stove were scattered around the place. I checked the clock hanging at the far end. Six o'clock. I thought I could stay up a little longer and have dinner or something. It would give me a chance to get rid of some of that weight in tha bag. I pulled out the beans and tried to work the stove.

"You need to switch on the mains." I jumped. The man came in so silently I didn't notice. He leant against the door frame, smiling slightly at my poor efforts.

"Well, what'll happen when the electricity goes out?" I asked, unimpressed.

"I'll have to make do with something else then." He shot back. I stood back and let him handle the stove. He twiddled a few dials and flicked a switch a few times, until eventually the metal plate heated up. I took out another can of beans for him, and passed them.

"You might need the knife to open them." I suggested. He just laughed and he took out a can opener out of his pocket and opened them.

After a while, the beans began to boil and we took them off of the stove. The man disappeared for a minute and returned with two plastic spoons. We ate in silence for a while, when he broke it.

"So where're you headed?" He chewed.

"Well, I'm not so sure, at the moment, I'm trying to get to the countryside, the cities are packed with infected so I'm trying to get away from that." I explained.

"Well... Have fun trying." He mocked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, those infected, they do think you know. They might fool you into thinking that they just launch at you, but they know what to do. Yes, it's true that they've lost any sight of who they were, but they do have brains, and they know exactly how to get you to die."

"But the news reports said that their brains have been taken over, they just want to kill." I was confused and slightly lost.

"You believe what the news say? Well you're a bigger idiot than I thought. The news soften everything, they make the reports sound better than they actually are." He explained. "There's something that was holding the news channels from telling us everything. It could be that they don't want to face the facts so they sugar coat it, or it could be something else." His voice was low, and dangerous.

"Sugar coat it?" I muttered under my breath, which he managed to hear.

"Yeah. Anyway I never asked your name, how rude of me. I'm William Reed." He responded, cheerily.

"Oh, I'm Lucy. Lucy Chisel." I smiled back. 

"It's nice to meet you, Lucy."

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