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"Do you want something to drink?" William asked. I looked up at him, his wrinkled face hard set and focused on the road. I whispered a 'yeah' and he gestured to the glove box in front of me. I paused a little and then decided to open the compartment. There was whiskey, vodka, a small bottle of water and some orange juice. I opted for the whiskey.

"Are there any cups?" I asked.

"Drink from the bottle, it'll do you good."

I shrugged and unscrewed the lid. The bitter taste washed over me. I squirmed a little but drank more anyway. There wasn't much left anyway so I finished the bottle. William whistled.

"You're going to sleep well." I could detect a hint of menace but I wasn't sure, I closed my eyes and slipped away.

My wrists hurt. My body felt heavy. I woke to the smell of damp and rot. I called for William and got no reply. Looking around, I realised I was suspended by wrists. My knees barely scraped the floor and my fucking god did my wrists ache. I slowly heaved myself up and steadied myself. I was in near pitch black, only a glimmer of moonlight came through the basement window. How long had I been asleep for? The last thing I remembered was sitting in the car with William, we were going to go... Where again? A lot of things were hazy for me, I didn't remember what had happened before we got into the car. I mean I remembered being at the shopping centre but everything was hazy. 

My hands rested just atop my head as I stood up, weak kneed. I was shaken, confused and scared. My mind a was flooded with thoughts. Were we ambushed? Well I fell asleep so I don't remember anything... That's right, I fell asleep. But... 

I pushed the thought out of my head, I had no time to worry about that. I needed to get out of here. I looked around and saw I had a bunch of skeletons surrounding me, all with a distinct bullet hole through the forehead. It made my heart drop about 20 ft. I couldn't imagine who would do something like that. Those poor innocent people. 

I lifted my head even further, trying to identify where I was. The room was sombre and almost pitch black. A tiny box window in the middle and to the top of the room let silver moonlight in, giving the already macabre feeling room a sinister, yet angelic glow to it. Chains hung from the celings, some containing severed heads or limbs, some completely empty with some glinting liquid... blood? I shook my head and pretended like it was nothing. By the looks of things, it appeared I was in a warehouse of some sort, or maybe a basement? I could've been anywhere. It was hard to tell where exactly I was. I had no sense of direction or location. Well that didn't matter really did it? It's not like I have anywhere to go back to... or anyone for that matter. 

I swayed slightly, dangling myself on the chains that bore into my skin. The suspense paired with my boredom was killing me. I felt like I had been there an eternity and a half. Just when I thought I was going to reach my breaking point, a yellow light shone from the far end of the room. My eyes had sat in the dark for too long so I squinted, curious to see who or what was emergin through the bright portal ahead.

A silhouette stood for a few seconds before slowling walking towards me. I couldn't see the face of my potential killer, or my (maybe) initial abductor. I started to panic, standing up and moving left and right frantically, chains rattling above my head. Every. Step. Made. My. Heart. Drop. Even further into fear and irrationality. I didn't know what to do or what to think. I had no idea if he was going to kill me or if they were here to help.

Suddenly, a pale frail face appeared in front of mine. William. A wash of relief flooded over me.

"William, thank the heavens. You're not hurt are you? Listen if you could it'll be real nice of you could let me out of these chains, I think someone's trying to kill us and-" I kept talking, unaware of the steady hum of laughter that growled from William's general direction. My heart dropped into my stomach and a lump grew in my throat.

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