"I'm Sticking Around"

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I woke up the next day, pretty easily. The sun shone through the tiny window in the corner. I could've almost forgot that there was an apocalypse outside, that's how quiet it was. I heard the smothered clicking of the make-shift stove cooking something. I turned my head and sat up, looking right at William, who set some bacon on a broken pan. It looked like he'd just put it on because it hadn't started sizzling.

"You're up! You'll have to wait a while, the bacon's not quite done yet. Why don't you get ready while it cooks?" He belted.

I nodded and found the small staff toilet in the back. I cleaned myself up a bit and returned to smell the delicious bacon, which made my mouth water.

"Smells good! D'ya have anything we can eat off of?" I asked. William gestured to a stack of small planks in the corner; I hadn't noticed them before. I picked up two, and returned. William took them off of me, and set the bacon onto the planks.

"I know they're not plates, but they're going to have to do for now." He sat down and started eating. I hesitated for a minute. I was supposed to be gone by now, and I was sitting here, eating this good man's rations. William looked up and smiled. He asked why I wasn't eating. I just smiled and sat down.

The bacon was delicious and once I was done eating it, I took the broken pan and scrubbed it with my hands in the toilet sink.

"I think it's time for me to leave William. You've been really nice and you didn't have to let me stay here, but you did and I'm grateful. I'm not going to burden you anymore." I said.

"Don't be silly. You're not that bad, kid. Y'know, if you have nowhere to go, then you could stay here." He offered.

"I can't do that, I'll only be in your way." I did want to stay with him, but I didn't want to burden him

"Well, two's company, and it'll give us a chance to watch eachother's backs." He proposed.

I remained silent. Thinking and contemplating the positives and negatives. After a while, I decided, I'll stay.

"Okay, fine. It looks like I'm sticking around a while longer."


Sorry about the rubbish chapter I've been quite busy lately so yeah..

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