An Odd Intro

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(Pepper has created a chatroom)

Pepper: I pray to Jesus Christ that this will actually work.

(Pepper has invited the Avengers)

(Bruce has logged on)

Pepper: Bruce, that literally took you 3 seconds.

Bruce: Who am I hearing?! What the-

(Tony has logged on)

Tony: Whatchu yelling about, green bean?

(Clint has logged on)

Clint: Pepper, please tell me that I can turn this thing off?


(Steve has logged on)

(Thor has logged on)

Pepper: Where's Natasha?

Steve: So this is what the chip is for?

Bruce: Chip?

Pepper: You were just so focused. You didn't even feel the little tiny stab in your neck.

Bruce: meh, Tony usually stabs me so I'm used to it. I thought you were Tony.

Pepper: Where's Natasha, guys? I've already asked and nobody's responded.

Thor: It appears as though Lady Natasha has defeated a man who has dressed in very nice midguardian wear.

Pepper: Nice. He was the guy who had her chip. I'll go talk to her.

(Pepper has logged off)

Steve: How'd she turn it off? I can't figure it out.

(Wanda has logged on)

Wanda: So this is what the chip does. Does Vision have one?

Steve: I don't know. I've barely figured this thing out.

Tony: I don't know if any of you have noticed, but none of us are going to be able to log off until Pepper gets back.

Bruce: He's right. Even as a scientist, I can't figure out this chip.

Thor: We could try to destroy these chips.

Clint: We aren't talking about the kind of chips you eat, big guy.

Thor: If it isn't a chip, then what's inside of me?

Tony: Still a chip.

Bruce: A communication and tracking sort of chip.

Clint: You can't eat them.

Thor: If it can't be consumed why is it a chip?

Bruce: . . .

(Steve has logged off)

Tony: Okay, how come the fossil has figured this out before me?

(Steve has logged on)

Steve: I figured out how to log off and on!

Clint: Speak. Please.

Steve: You rub behind your ear, and then tap it twice.

Bruce: Thank you.

(Bruce has logged off)

Clint: Noice.

(Clint had logged off)

Tony: Well... later gators!

(Tony has logged off)

Steve: I'm with him.

(Steve has logged off)

Thor: am I alone now?

Wanda: nope. I really hope they know that Pepper is gonna want to talk to them about this.

Thor: The man of iron does not usually listen to what any midguardian has to say.

Wanda: figures. I'm getting a pizza.

(Wanda has logged off)

Thor: me too I guess.

(Thor has logged off)

(Pepper has logged on)

Pepper: Nat still needs convinc- and I'm the only one here.  Well. Okay.

(Pepper has logged off)


Hey, hey, hey!

I hope everyone has had a good day! I really hope this chatroom will go better than my last one. It was kind of a disaster.

ANYWAYS, I'm gonna be introduced some "new" characters to this soon, so stay tuned!

The girl who is allergic to weird stuff,
You know who I am

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