A Claustraphobic Cupboard

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(Bree has logged in)

(Audrey has logged in)

Bree: So, I bet you're wondering why I've called you here.

Audrey: Not really. While this tiny storage room is well tiny, I'm more concerned that there's a bed in here.

Bree: Huh. I didn't notice.

Audrey: You're kidding me right? You're sitting on it.

Bree: Huh. It appears I am.

Audrey: Anyway, why is it you called me into this minuscule closet?

Bree: You're just gonna keep finding new things to call the storage closet, aren't you?

Audrey: Yes. I certainly am.

Bree: Nice. Why are there French grey feathers on this bed? Kinda brings back some memories.

Audrey: Really? How do some 'French grey' feathers bring back memories in this claustrophobic cupboard?

Bree: Long story.

Audrey: Well, speaking of its 1am and I don't work tomorrow, I have the time for this story.

Bree: Okay, well when I was young, i went to Hogwarts, which is a wiz-

Audrey: Wizarding school.

Bree: how do you know about Hogwarts?

Audrey: It's real?!

Bree: Yes... Anyway, when I was there I had this best friend in the whole world. I would tell you how she looks but she can change her appearance at will- so you never really know.

Audrey: I wish I could do that...

Bree: Don't we all? Anyway, she was half-Krikhora. Which in case you didn't know is a kind of-

Audrey: Winged Human. The Krikhora are a Bulgarian people right?

Bree: How do you know so much? And yes, they are. Anyway, she was one of them. Except, her father, who was the one who gave her said ability to change forms, was a wizard. And well the Krikhora are a pure group, and when her mother had her, the elders grew rapidly angry that she had mixed her pure blood to mate with such a dirty human.

Audrey: and the elders wanted to kill her?

Bree: Yes, but she was safe at Hogwarts. They never tried to hurt her there, I mean under the protection that Professor McGonagall gave her, especially under these strange circumstances, nobody tried to hurt her. But once we had graduated, they started chasing her. She flew away. ... God, I'm getting emotional... she never said goodbye.

Audrey: Here's a box of tissue.

Bree: Thanks. Ya know, I would have thought that she'd be okay, but I haven't heard from her in so long. And I hate to think she'd of passed prematurely.

Audrey: It's okay.

(A large cracking sound has made the chatroom temporally shut off in the Claustrophobic Closet)


Two updates in one day, amirite?

Anyway, what do you think happened in the claustrophobic closet? Tell me in the comments what you think!

The girl who just wants donuts and world peace,
You know who I am ;)

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