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There are going to be multiple runs/resets: Pacifist, Genocide, and Post-Genocide. There will be symbols in the chapter title to show what run is in progress. The ❤️ (heart, in case you can't see the symbols) represents Pacifist, 💔 (broken heart) represents Genocide, and 💞 (two hearts) means Post-Genocide.
If there's a reset during the entry, whatever is 'written' will be abruptly be cut off and have [RESET] underneath the text. If Chara takes control, the text will have random effects, like this! There's a possibility that I'll find some sort of text effect generator for them, but can't be confirmed.
Also, there might be random things such as photos, sticky notes from friends, and more to give it more like a kid's diary effect. None of the photos are mine unless said otherwise.
I believe that's all for this AN! If there's anything I decide to add, I'll just update it on here, okay? Also, if you find any errors please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP!
Happy reading,
P.S: The first few 'entries will have question marks in the title, since Frisk still has yet to either: 1) Go to or fall into Mount Ebott 2) Choose their route

The Diary of Frisk [Semi-Hiatus]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora