?Entry Two?

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I don't know where I am, and I can't remember who I am either. There's this hole high above me, so I guess I fell down or something.
I came across this buttercup who talks, he (I think it's a he?) calls himself Flowey. He explained that I'm in the underground and how things worked around here. I...I thought he was someone that could be trusted, but I was wrong. He nearly killed me in the end, but thankfully this nice goat came to the rescue. She introduced herself as Toriel, and that she comes to visit the Ruins every now and then (I'm guessing that this is the part of the underground I'm currently in).
She lead me through a part of the Ruins and handed me a phone, telling me she had to take care of something and to stay put. I got bored and wondered what the rest of the Ruins were like, so I left. Coincidentally, Toriel called the second I stepped foot into the next room.
Besides stumbling across all the monsters in the area, there was one thing that stood out to me.. It kinda looked like a star. When I approached it, it showed something along the lines of a file of some sort being saved.. almost like how there's save points in a game. And when I 'fought' the dummy, these buttons appeared! Whatever this place is, its way of getting around is rather weird (and pretty cool!)

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