Chp. 2

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Slowly sitting up from the sun beaming through the window, Alexandria rolled off and onto the floor causing a 'thump' and waking Alice up who started laughing.

"Gee, thanks Anna." Alex stated, rolling her eyes sarcastically. She smiled innocently before handing her clothes to get ready. "We get our time tables at breakfast so hurry up, you have fifteen minutes." Alexandria's eyes widened at that before she rushed around and finished getting dressed in five.

"Well then, that was fast." Alice stated as they started walking down to the great hall. Once inside, they headed to the Hufflepuff table and sat, the breakfast appearing right away.

After eating a variety of foods from blueberry pancakes to bacon to drinking pumpkin juice and apple juice, the time tables suddenly appeared. Looking up, Alex saw a man with scruff on his face. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He was staring at Alice with a soft and loving look before shooting a cautious look at Alexandria.

"Hello dad - er I mean- professor Longbottom." Alice said with a small smile. Professor Longbottom smiled before saying "Hello Miss Longbottom. Who's your new friend?" He asked, knowing very well who the brown haired platinum blonde highlighted, gray eyed girl was.

"Alexandria Malfoy. You know, Harry Potter's cousin? Draco Malfoy and Elliana Martinez's daughter? The sister to the other Malfoys?" Alice started, naming Alexandria for everyone in her family. Alex sighed before looking down at her half full plate, not feeling hungry anymore.

"I'm going to head to class." She stated, sitting up abruptly. Professor Longbottom looked down at his watch. "But it's only 7:30! Classes don't start until 8:00." He stated, causing Alex to scoff. "Well, I'm going to look for my classes. Bye Professor, see you later Ali." With that, she walked out and rushed to find her first class; Potions with Slytherin.

As she was walking to the dungeons, she didn't notice someone ahead of her before she walked into them. Falling onto her arse, she looked up to see brilliant dark blue eyes, dark brown curly hair and dark skin. All in all, he was attractive and ex was thankful she ran into this boy.

"You okay there?" He asked, holding out a hand for Alexandria to take. Nodding, still mesmerized by his eyes, she stood up. "I'm Xavier Zabini." He said. She looked at him shocked before saying just loud enough for him to hear "I'm Alexandria Malfoy." That's all it took before she was shoved against the wall and a wand was to her neck.

"Stupid half-blood." He growled out, making Alex whimper from the pressure on her neck and the boys sudden change in demeanor. "Your father betrayed my father, leaving him for a bunch of blood traitors and a mud-blood." He sneered. Alex's eyes watered as he talked about her family, he wasn't as attractive to her anymore. "I don't want to see your face anymore. Your father is vile and cruel. And you're pathetic." Was all he said before turning away, his Slytherin robes swinging with him.

What the bloody hell just happened? She thought as she rubbed her neck and grabbed her bag. Walking into Potions, students slowly started flowing in behind her. As she sat in the back, Alex saw Alice head her way before sitting by her on her right.

"Hey Alice." She said before noticing Nathan come and sit on her left. "Hey Nate." He smiled before blushing as he caught Alice's stare. What was that about? She thought. Hmm, probably nothing. With that, she opened up her notebook and took out her pencil, preferring it over quills.

"Today class, you will be making the forgetfulness potion. It is not that hard unless you are like the dunderheads I taught a few years ago who blew up their cauldron." Stated the teacher, professor Ozarka. He turned his eyes towards Nathan who wasn't paying attention.

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