shy • jimina •

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It was a cold, and cloudy afternoon when a light-orange, short-haired girl--- Myoui Mina, decided to be left all alone inside a dark room. It was already time, but she always wanted to spend most of her time-- alone. She's not that type of girl who would go out to clubs, parties, and anything else which seems fun and enjoyable. Well, her? She prefers to stay inside her room, reading books, listening to calm and sweet songs that fits perfectly in her taste, and would probably look outside the window, watching and observing people. Being quiet, shy, and introverted runs in her bloodline. Sometimes, people mistakenly describes her as a weird person, mainly because she barely talks or interacts with the people around her. She always thought that, "People are scary". She easily gets shy, when she communicates with people, especially with strangers. She doesn't like talking, and talking makes her tired.

But there is one guy who keeps her off-guard.

Park Jimin.

The school's top notcher, and is really popular; especially to girls. Every girl in the school, dreams to have him as their boyfriend, it is because just by his physical appearence, you could tell that he is really a boyfriend-material. He has this fluffy, and bouncy hair, and the cute thing is. Both Mina and Jimin has both dyed their hair orange, weird but isn't it such a sweet and adorable coincidence? He has this different kind of charm and aura around him, which is why girls usually fall hard for him. He also has his own unique way of laughing and smiling. The way he smiles, looks so weird but cute at the same time. Everytime he smiles, his eyes disappear which sometimes Mina finds cute. And the best part is, he's such a caring and thoughtful person. He'd do everything and his very best, and would not let you feel down.

But, still even for now. Mina still can't understand why everytime Jimin is around, she feels uncomfortable.

While she was sitting all alone inside the room, she heard the door burst open and she could probably tell that she's not alone--- someone is inside with her too. She didn't mind to look after on who it is, but she just continued to read her book, and ignored the person who walked inside the room. She's been reading this book, over and over again but she doesn't even care because she knew that reading can always make her feel less lonely.

Suddenly, she felt a warm breath infront of her which caught her attention. Her eyebrows crossed, and looked up to who it is, but as soon as she took a glimpse of his face, her heart thumped faster than her normal one. His chin was leaning on the chair, facing her. His lips curved, which turned into a warm and sweet smile. And his eyes slowly laid unto hers, and their eyes met each other.
She couldn't move her body, but as soon as he looked at her, she got stucked to where she was sitting. He smirked a little, and ran his little fingers across his hair, before smiling at her.


She didn't knew what to answer him back. Here it comes, she's not herself again. She always felt uncomfortable when he's around, but right now she felt like burying herself alive when he's too close. She could actually feel his warm breath, along with the cold wind. Mina slowly gulped down, and took her book with her before standing up quickly. Jimin looked at her as she stood up, and noticed that she was about to walk away, but before that she could leave, he quickly held her wrist gently. Mina could feel his warm hand, holding her. All she wanted to do for now, is to run away and avoid this weird and different feeling Jimin gives to her, everytime they see each other.

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