Introduction to Magolor

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Hello readers! Today is the first time that MAGOLOR is going to be the main hero of a story. Ok. I know, it's amazing, but ok, let's get started.

Anyway, Mago-Hello! It's Magolor, the one and only!

Magolor! I told you NOT to break the 4th wall! You're supposed to be- Uh, uh, uuh! I told you in our contract that I'll be allowed to talk to whoever I want INCLUDING breaking the 4th wall to talk to the readers, ok? COMPRENDE??

I'm taking away your computer! HAHA!

Ok, so I once was power hungry, with the Master Crown, but this time, this story is about me as a hero! Ok, to the story!

Magolor - A Hero's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now