Chapter 1

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"Maryland get table number 6".
"Kate please can you take this one I can't go to another table with sunglasses".
"Sure but why can't you just call the police"
" Because-".
"Mary hurry up".
Coming home to an abusive husband is horrible. But I can't just leave him because I love him. And if I do he'll be lonely and he could come find me and hurt me like last time. My life is horrible I don't want to be with him but sometimes he can be nice to me.
"Okay Mary you need to cover up those bruises".
"Oh really wow I never thought about that". She said sarcastically
"Whatever. Bailey can you get me my makeup bag ".
"Sure thing honey but we don't have foundation so how are you going to cover that up".
"I'll just use concealer, it's not a problem ".
"Maryland come sleep over I can't see you get hurt again".
"I'm sorry but I can't if I'm not home at exactly 8:30 I'll get it worst".
That was true the last time I came late was a year ago and that was bad. He kick me and punch me 5 times. He told me to sleep outside in the rain. He treats me like a dog . I try to leave him I really do. But he won't let me. He makes sure I come home and if I don't. I wouldn't even know because I haven't gotten him that mad ever. He is always drunk and if he's mad when he's I wouldn't know what to do with my self. I come home early than usual.
"H-Hi baby I-Im home early ju-"
"I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to".
"NOW your gunna treat like good man.GET ON THE BED AND TAKE Off YOUR CLOTHES ".
"Yes my king".
I know it's wrong but it's Franklin he's always like this. If he says I did something wrong then I did something wrong I just wish I can speak to him but he won't listen to me he'll just beat me more. But I have no choice but just to like him for who he is. I don't know what happened to him but he's been like this ever since I went out with my friends.
"Here were done".
( throws cup of water )
" thank you honey".
"Now go in the kitchen and make me Dinner now ".
Why do I live like this I always ask myself this. The only time I am happy if when I'm far far away from that stupid house I call home. But what I'm really afraid of is if he comes to my job and just beats me there. But I'm good him why isn't he good to me. What did I do to deserve this. Sometimes I have suicidal thoughts. But I think so many times that it will get better and my Life is Precious and it always will be just like how I imagined it.

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