Chapter 2

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I Always wake up at 3:00 am because I want to get away from him as possible. He believes that I start work at this time. What I actually do is get ready and go sleep my last hours at Bailey's house. As I'm driving I feel like this isn't normal to live like this but I'm not the only person who has an abusive husband. Many other people in the world have those sick men to.
( ding dong )
(Yawns)" Hi, not to be rude but you can't keep doing this anymore."
"I know it's just I can't sleep with him anymore".
"Okay fine I love you and all, so I'll let you do this for 2 weeks okay"
---------------------5 hours later--------------------

---------------------5 hours later--------------------

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I wake up thinking about my day. But I just realized that it's my birthday today. So that should be good. I mean last year my Bailey and Kate tried to throw a party but the boss canceled it right when he wakes into the store. So I'm hoping it will be better this year.
"Happy birthday Maryland"!
"Thanks I almost forgot about it".
"Well don't because today I'm gunna make sure it will be a good day for you".
As I walked into the room I saw a table with a birthday cake and Kate standing right in front of it with a bag that said Birthday girl. That was pretty cool. Since my birthday lands on a Friday there's a lot of costumer so I'll be busy. Franklin let's me stay out till 10:00 so that's good as well. 4 people come into the restaurant and one of the guy is really cute but I'm not gunna go for him because of Franklin.
"Hi can I take your order"
"Yes you may"
( orders food )
I come back with the food an we both smile at each other.

"Kate Bailey I think that guy over there like's me "

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"Kate Bailey I think that guy over there like's me ".
"Well he does look perfect for y-".
" oh my god Mary he's coming towards you".
"I'm Aron".
"Maryland ".
"So I see it's your birthday is it?"
"Yeah I'm turning 27"
"Well happy birthday ".
"Would you mind if I take you to Dinner"?
"Uh excuse me for a moment".
"So how'd it go".
"He wants to take me out for dinner"
"Well say yes he doesn't look like a jerk".
" I know But Franklin".
"Don't you want to leave him".
"Well yeah b-".
"So then say yes".
"Hi I'm back".
"Oh yeah I would gladly come"
"Oh ok good good so how does Sunday sound at maybe 7:00?"
"That sound wonderful".
I tell the girls felling so happy and that this day couldn't get worse. But I just realized it can because oh my "beloved" husband Frank. But the boss is giving me Saturday and Sunday off so I'll just hang out with the girls and not tell Franklin anything so I'll be good. As for my birthday present Kate and Bailey are going to doll me up for Sunday.

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