Chapter 6

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It is the day we're I go to work. I feel so scared that Aron is going to come and visit me. But the worst part is that Kate has the flue so that means I can't cover up the big bruise Frank gave me. And of course I'm have germs phobias so no way I'm going near Kate even though I love her a lot but no still. I walk into work and I see Bailey and she says the big news she is getting married.
"Oh my god Maryland guess what".
"I'm... I'm getting MARRIED".
"Oh my god congrats and are u sure he's not like Frank".
"No not at all he is so sweat and kind nothing like That stupid and hideous man if yours".
"Hey that's my husband you are talking about".
"Uh whatever you gunna have a divorce with him anyways".
Right when she said that she was right. I just don't know when to ask him because I can't get hurt anymore. With Aron in my sight he will soon see me with a million bruises or cuts on my arms and he'll never talk to me again. So I'm not trying to make that happen because I like Aron and I think he likes me too so I'm not going to argue with that.
"Maryland table 10 now"!!
"Uh on my way Boss".
" Hope you brake a leg". I said quietly
"What you said Maryland".
"Nothing boss I said nothing ".
"That's what I thought".
But just as I walked through that door there he was standing right in front with a big grin on his face like if he thinks I'm happy to see him. I quickly walk away right when he saw me but just as that he ran after me and caught up to me.
"Maryland hey we're you going".
"Mary hey wait what wrong".
I turned around with my hair in my face and he obviously had to push my hair to the side and look.
"Maryland who did this to you".
"Mary who-".
"My husband okay just please don't do anything ok".
"Take me to your husband"!
"Mary I-I love you and I don't want to see you like this anymore now take me".
I drive to my house and he dash to the door and bangs out on it . There he was Frank looking like he was about to punch him the face.
"Yes what you want"!
" This how you treat women you devil worshiper".
"Shut the hell up boy she don't care".
"Then wh-".
"Yes I do Franklin you think I enjoy you hitting me no I don't you are a cruel selfish man and I don't want you anymore".
Once he slapped me Aron got him on the ground and he had him in a chokehold.

(Slaps)Once he slapped me Aron got him on the ground and he had him in a chokehold

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But then Frank started to punch him the face really bad. I scream so loud because I didn't want nothing to happen to Aron I love him.  Now I really know that he is the one for me. So I scream even louder.
"Ahhhhhhhhh frank get of of him FRANKLIN".
"This is how you think of me bitch".
Franklin grab my shirt but right then the police came and shot him right in the stomach.

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