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1: Jessica Blood

"Miss, can I get some more coffee? Miss?"

Jessica paused at the counter and resisted giving an eye-roll. She held many dirty jobs in the past, killing demons was her specialty, but working at a greasy spoon? Being forced to wear the frilly waitress uniform had to be just about the worst thing that had ever happened to her.

After that whole, finding your parents murdered thing.

Still, she donned her blue waitress uniform, tied back her long red curls, and got to work. Mostly because without this gig, there were no leads. Without leads, you just couldn't take down a demonic crime syndicate, could you?


The jackass's voice rose, so Jessica grabbed the coffee pot and plastered on a fake smile. She gritted her teeth as she warmed his cup. "One lukewarm cup of strong day old coffee coming right up."

The old man chuckled. Kind enough, Jessica guessed, but with a cottage cheese face. He wore a plaid shirt like he had just come in from the farm. "You're really working on earning your tip today."

"Oh, you have no idea." Tips, Jessica snorted. Twenty-five cents weren't a tip, but couldn't complain. Her demeanor wasn't cut out for this line of work. Having to deal with people and serving up cheeseburger platters with platitudes?

No thanks.

Jessica was more at home chasing evil, saving people, but that's why she was here, wasn't it? Working a case. As far as covers went, this one pretty much blew.

The front door opened, and a guy entered who could barely keep upright. He crashed right into the magazine rack at the front and collapsed onto a booth. His outfit said it all, a strung-out junkie with long black hair and a face full of piercings. His high-tops were soiled with thick mud and his jeans were splattered with something. Jessica didn't want to make any guesses about what that might be.

All eyes were on him as he threw himself down in a corner booth, his arms hugging around his body tight.

Like he had a chill. Like something deep in him was missing, but it probably was. And that little thing was most likely his soul. Demon drugs fractured it for the underworld—one hit at a time.

He might be the break she was looking for. Jessica pulled the pencil out from behind her ear and walked over to him. His legs stretched out under the seat jittering back and forth as he gazed out the window at the hardware store. In its window hung a 'Going out of business' sign.

The town was changing, and not for the better. Not on its own. Something was gutting this place and Jessica was going to stop it. Or at the very least slow it down. Beggars couldn't be choosers in her line of work. When it came to demons, you took what you could get.

Jessica flipped his coffee cup right side up and started to pour him a coffee, but he shook his head. "I don't want coffee. Just pie."

"Trust me, you need coffee."

His eyes were some of the most strung-out eyes she had ever seen. It stilled her heart for a moment as she poured his coffee. Like a doctor isn't supposed to be attached to his patients, Jessica wasn't supposed to feel pity. She was in the town to do a job, couldn't go around saving everyone.

Didn't mean she didn't want to.

"I can't..." he hung his head. "I can't afford coffee and pie."

"Two for one special," Jessica flashed a smile. "You buy pie; you get coffee for free."

"Just like that?" His eyes were grateful but unsure.

Dark Fatesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें