Frozen Paws Chrissy Peebles

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Chapter 1

Julie had met the man of her dreams, tamed the untamable bad boy; her very own dark, mesmerizing hero. Their love was eternal and knew no bounds. Grant was the perfect guy, everything she needed and wanted for the rest of eternity. Sure, he was a little rough around the edges, but that was one thing among many that Julie loved about him. He didn't indulge in the craziness of the classic werewolf, ripping people to shreds beneath a full moon like some kind of uncontrollable, furry psychopath. Grant had self-control, and he held the reins on the monstrous beast inside, just like she did. The two of them had been through so much together, so many near-death horrific circumstances, yet they'd managed to triumph, clinging to one another in the process.

The only trouble was that her mother simply couldn't or wouldn't accept what they had. Julie and her mom had always been so close, and she didn't want her love for Grant to divide them.

She grasped a warm ceramic mug in her hands and inhaled deeply, hoping the fragrance of the lavender tea would soothe her senses. Unfortunately, it didn't.

Her mother wanted to talk to her about something, and she didn't seem very happy. Based on the sound of her voice, Julie feared she had somehow found out about their upcoming marriage.

Julie could feel someone approaching, even though there was not a sound to be heard. She could feel suspicion and resentment pulsing through the air, coming nearer and nearer, until her mother, Abigail, opened the kitchen door and peered inside. The resentment she projected turned for a moment to panic, then to anger.

"If you set foot out of this kitchen without cleaning up that mess, young lady—"

"I won't," Julie said, cutting off the threat. "Heaven forbid I leave the place looking like someone actually lives here."

Her mother's beautiful blond hair hung in wisps around her face, so soft and doll-like, in direct opposition to her narrowing eyes that looked at Julie in disdain. She just stood in the doorway staring like that, clenching her fists as if she was furious enough to punch a hole in the wall.

Julie took a sip of the tea and let the taste roll over her tongue a few times before swallowing. She raised her eyebrows questioningly and brushed a strand of straight blond hair out of her face. "I know this is about more than a mess in the kitchen, Mom. You're fuming, and... Look, I just can't take it anymore. Please, Mom. Can't you just tell me why you're really so mad at me?"

Abigail gave Julie that inherent mom look that caused her to swallow hard. "You're engaged to Grant," her mother whispered. "You're engaged to a werewolf. Why?"

Julie shrugged. "Animal magnetism?"

"So it's all about lust?"

"But he's just so tall and strong, Mom. Gosh, haven't you ever see Grant without a shirt? He's all tattoos and muscles, just oozing sex appeal."

Abigail frowned.

Julie continued, "C'mon, Mom. You know it goes way deeper than that. I'm not that shallow."

"I know he's a strong protector and a strong mate, but... Julie, we both know there are many, many reasons why you need to let him go."

"What reasons? Are you worried he'll hurt me? We might've started out rough, but I know now that Grant is in this for the long haul."

Abigail placed her hands on her hips. "Really? Because your father told me the exact same thing."

"Grant isn't Maurice, Mom...and wolves mate for life."

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