CALL OF THE DRAGON Victoria Pinder

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Get me the files, fast, Daphne, or you'll be working 'til midnight." My boss, Aura Volos, a dark-haired, sharp-chinned woman behind a cluttered desk, didn't bother to look up as she spoke. She also ignored the view from her large office window overlooking the Florence piazza and the tendrils of pink sky in the autumn afternoon.

My stomach growled as I rose from my side-desk near the door and slipped my sensible black heels on my feet. I'd not get fired from my first job, ever. "I worked through lunch already trying to find them."

"Look harder then."

Just great. Find the files that she lost. Technically I don't know if Aura can fire me or not as her mother hired me, but I'd rather not find out. I stampeded out of the third floor corner office into the sunless hallway, then went into the adjoining office where we kept a few file cabinets.

I let out a sigh the second I closed the door and stared out at the remnants of the sunset in Florence that existed past the filing cabinets. I thought I saw a flash of light in the distance. It must be a firework someone set off somewhere.

So far, I hadn't gotten to see one thing of interest in Tuscany. I don't think a business trip with the boss lady should count as the reason for my first stamp on my passport. One day, I'd go somewhere on my own and do something, like take a photo of myself in in Piazzale Michaelango or Uffizi Gallery to see originals of DaVinci. Right now though, the file. I rushed through the paperwork in the cabinets and didn't see anything on the Valencia Villa acquisition. I slipped out of the office and turned off the lights.

Goosebumps grew on my arms as I continued through the office hall to the storage room. I had a crazy thought, it was like something was close that mattered. As I flipped on the overhead light, I hoped Ms. Volos's lost files were in the folder labeled appropriately. I'd filed them last night, right here, and then I thought I'd delivered them to her desk. There! I found the manila file.

I smiled as I read about the small Italian villa she wanted to transform into a boutique hotel. All the work we had done in the past two weeks wasn't lost, which meant that Aura had no reason to tell her mother I was slacking.

Last night I'd been tired and must have picked up the wrong folders. My job was secure, for now. I straightened the papers and fit everything into the neat folder and then returned to the corner office.

Aura Volos's light blue eyes gazed at me for less than ten seconds as she gathered her dark brown hair into a messy ponytail and continued reading whatever paper was on her desk. "Do you have the account?"

"Yes, ma'am." I gingerly took a step forward and slipped them on her desk. "Is that all?"

Aura took the files and checked them to ensure I gave her what she wanted. She placed the folder next to her so I assumed the information was correct. "How is it that I brought you to Italy and you are still in the same ill-fitting black slacks you've been wearing for four days in a row, girl?"

I'm two years younger than her, so I'm not a girl. My face heated and I looked at my pants. While I'd never gone hungry, Grandma and I hadn't Aura's luxuries. I'd bought three pairs of work pants and five blouses from a thrift shop for my job, which was all I could afford. "These are all I own."

"Fine. You've worked through lunch. Take the evening off and go get some new clothes. Whatever you spend from my account will be deducted from your paycheck. I'll see you at the hotel tomorrow morning for breakfast."

My hands fell to my side though my fingers itched to clutch my stomach and hold it tight. I'd accepted this job as her personal assistant a little more than two weeks ago and this was my first evening free. My aunt, who worked as the Volos' housekeeper for the past twenty-five years, had found me this position. She'd told me while here, not to expect time off, but to save every penny I could and to learn business from Aura. I had no idea what to say so I stood there and stared at her.

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