(5) Drunk

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Zoey's POV

I stumble out of the bathroom trying my very best not to gag on the foul odour following us outside. Trailing behind an exhilarated Katherine I try to catch my breath as we head through the tight crowd of boisterous patrons.

Dread wash over me as we near the overcrowded bar again, the raw stench of strong alcohol waft to my nose causing me to scrunch up my face in pure disgust.

It is my first time being in a local nightclub. Well, second if you count be getting body slammed at the door a few weeks ago.

Mimicking Kat I plop down on unoccupied stool, wanting to be anywhere else.

The scent of burning cigarettes grow stagnant in the already polluted air making my head feel woozy, I close my eyes for a second blocking out the colourful neon lights around me. Turning away from the crowd I try to block out the deafening music ringing through the building.

Definitely don't plan on going clubbing again any time soon.

A sporadic pounding echo inside my head warning me of an impending headache. Even though I want to head out I am going to suck it up and let Katherine enjoy her night.

"Having fun?" Raising my head I look up at the blonde male bartender, his thin lips curl upwards in a small smile. I only offer him a light shrug. "So what can I get for you two beautiful ladies?"

"Club soda-"

"Two shots of tequila please!" Katherine chime in.

I refuse to consume strong alcoholic spirits especially since the last time I drank too much I almost fornicate with a complete stranger, that situation could have easily turned left.

"I can't drink that," I mutter as soon as the bartender left to find us clean shot glasses.

"Just one drink," she offer me an encouraging smile before spinning on her stool to face the dancefloor.

I open my mouth to flat out disagree but quickly snap it shut once the bartender return with our order. I opt to just drop the argument altogether.

"Tequila for the ladies," he practically shout over the rising clamour of faceless voices, he carefully place the shots in front of me grinning from ear to ear.

I drag the glasses closer to me thanking him with a small polite nod. Flashing me another sweet smile he turn to another customer flagging him down at the end of the bar. I am not sure if he was trying to be polite or just straight up flirting. If it's the latter, he's wasting his time. He's undoubtedly physically attractive but dating is the furthest thing from my mind especially now that I am trying to pick up the pieces from my old life.

"Bottoms up!" Katherine grab one of the glass draining it in one swift go. "You'll feel better, trust."

"Just once." I sigh downing the liquor letting it ignite my throat.

I guess I'll worry about the consequences later.


The liquor course through my body licking every inch of my skin igniting heat in it's trail. All my previous problems seems so nonexistent almost as if dissipating into thin air.

I'm free!

"I'm free!" I echo my thought aloud to the world, a warm buzz settle in my mind keeping me upright.

Grinding on a sturdy tabletop, I sway my hips to the rhythm of the music dancing in a sensual manner slowly tracing my hands all over my body. A roar of chant knock me out of my head, I was so engrossed in my own world I momentarily forgot the crowd I am attracting.

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