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Annette and I sit in silence in front of the TV as the credits of the last episode of Season 3 of Sherlock rolled,Jim Moriatys voice ringing in our ears.

"Did you miss me?"

"I CANNOT wait a whole YEAR for the next episode!" Annette exclaimed after a minute making me jump.

I gave a small nod of agreement.

Annette gasped and brought out her phone.

"Guess what I found!" She cried,typing something on her phone.

She turned her phone towards me.


I frowned.

"What's Sherlocked?" I asked.

"It's a place where you can see the set of Sherlock annnndddd...." She scrolled down.

'Meet the stars'

I gasped and squealed.

"We HAVE to go!" I cried.

Annette nodded vigorously.

I ran up stairs and into my room locking the door behind me. I found my money box and chucked all my money out of the box.

I counted up the money.


"Fourty six fifty" I said hearing Annie enter the room.

I heard Annie counting under her breath.

"Fourty five sixty" she said.

"We can only buy a one day pass but it's okay as we can still meet the stars" She added.

I nodded.

A couple minutes later I walked slowly down the stairs and poked my head round the door of the office.


I breathed a sigh of relief.

We have two people leading the orphanage.

Sophie and Margaret.

Sophie was a lovely,kind,understanding,mother figure. Almost like Miss Honey in matilda.

On the other hand Margaret is like the Miss Trunchball of the orphanage. She gets drunk and beats us and tortures us kids for fun!

"Um,Sophie" I said.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Elsie! What can I do for you?" Sophie asked,gesturing towards the chair by the desk.

"Um well,Annette and I we would like to..maybe go to this event...Sherlocked,we have the money ,we just need you to buy the tickets online for us,please?" I rambled.

"Where is this event taking place?"Sophie asked.

"Birmingham..."I mumbled

Sophie sighed,biting her top lip.

"Okay....okay,I'll buy the tickets if you give me the money and DO NOT,tell Margaret!" Sophie said.

I nodded.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!"I exclaimed.

Sophie grinned.

I pulled the money out of my pocket practically throwing it at Sophie and then dashed up the stairs to tell Annie the news.

The Adopted ~Benedict Cumberbatch~Where stories live. Discover now