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It has been 3 months since Annie and I had gone to our auditions for The Adopted and quite frankly we were loosing hope until one day we got a phone call.

"Hello?" I ask nervously as the it was blocked.

"Hello, Is this Elsie?" A familiar voice said.

"Uh,yes?" I reply.

"Hello It's Stephen here,remember me?" Stephen said.

"Uh..oh! Oh my god! Yes sorry Hello!" I ramble.

"Hello Elsie,I'm happy to let you know that the casting directors really liked your audition and would like you to come in and read with Benedict Cumberbatch" Stephen said.

My heart skipped a beat.

"I- oh my-"

"Only of you're still interested of course" Stephen added.

"Of course! I'd love to!" I exclaimed.

"Well then perfect! I will email you the details asap"

"I- okay...thank you...so much" I breathed.

Stephen chuckled.

"You're very welcome" He replied before hanging up.

I placed my phone down on my bedside table and flopped down onto my bed,my heart racing with happiness and my head spinning with shock and confusion.


A few hours later I wake up to Annie running into our room screaming.

"Whaaaaat" I groan.

"Stephencalledandaskedmetocomebackandreadthescriptand Oh My God!"She screamed.

I sat bolt up.

"You too!?" I cried.

"No way!!" Annie cried.

I jumped up and hugged her squealing.

"Holy crap this is amazing!!" I cried.

Stephen messaged us the details.

You will be performig as a three,see attachment for new script, meet at the same secret location as before at 11am. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

The Adopted ~Benedict Cumberbatch~Where stories live. Discover now