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Annette and I slowly stepped into the orphanage and tiptoed up stairs.

Annie walked into the bathroom whilst I went into the bedroom.

I placed my photos with Benedict under the loose floorboard in the closet,where all of my special or secret things go.

My merchandise was placed in my bedside table draw.

I lay out some pajamas on my bed and I was about to get changed when Margaret stormed into the room holding Annie by the back of her collar.

I gasped and backed against the wall.

"Where did you go?" Margaret spat.

I stayed quiet to scared to speak.

"ANSWER ME!" She screamed slapping me around the face.

"We just went to the park" I replied holding my stinging cheek.

"For 15 hours?" Margaret scoffed.

She threw Annie to the floor.

Annie cried out in pain.

I reached down to lift her up when Annie gasped

"No!" She screamed.

Suddenly pain exploded throughout my head and I hit the floor.


I woke up with a pounding headache.

I groaned and went to sit up but a sharp pain traveled throughout my body,I gasped and cried out.

I looked over at the time.

2:30 am

Sophie won't be arriving for another 4 hours.

I sighed and slowly rolled over onto my side.

I lay for a while with my eyes closed trying to remember as much as possible.

All of a sudden the events of the previous day flooded back to me.

I gasped and rolled over for getting my situation. I gasp in pain but push that aside and grab my phone.

1 new message

I open the message.

Auditions are at The Tramshed in Woolwich 3 pm on Monday
Learn the script by then.

-Stephen Smith

I opened the attachment that was with the message and the script for the audition popped up.

I was auditioning for the part of a girl named Edith South.

The scene I was to learn was the part I find out that my father has been killing all these kids.

6:30 am

By this time I had read through the script and could recite most of the lines of by heart.

I put my phone back on the desk fatigue suddenly overwhelming me I slowly rolled over and fell asleep.

11:00 AM

I opened my eyes and immediately closed them as the sunlight was shining through the he curtain directly into my eyes.

I groaned and rolled over immediately feeling pain shoot through my body yet again.

I looked over at Annie's bed and saw that she wasn't even under the covers.

She had a gash across her cheek and a bruised eye and she was hugging her stomach.

"Annie?" I croaked.

Annie's eyes shot open and she looked up at me.

"Oh thank god are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm alright,I'm mean I can't move without pain shooting...everywhere but other than that I'm alright" I sighed.

"What about you?" I asked.

*Annie's POV*


I stepped out of the bathroom wiping my hands on my t-shirt humming to myself.

Suddenly someone grabbed my collar and pulled so I could barely breathe.

I was dragged into my room and Elsie turned smiling obviously expecting to see just me.

Elsie face dropped and she gasped backing against the wall.

Just that action told me who had hold of me.


"Where did you go?" Margaret spat.

Elsie stayed quiet obviously to terrified to even form words.

"ANSWER ME!" Margaret screamed slapping Elsie around the face.

"We just went to the park" she replied placing her hand over her now tomato red cheek

"For 15 hours?" Margaret scoffed.

I was thrown to the floor. I hit the floor smashing my head against it.

I cried out in pain.

Elsie reached down to help me up, I looked up to see Margerate holding up both her fists above Elsie's head.

"No!" I screamed as Margerate threw down her fists onto the back of Elsie's head.

Elsie's eyes widened and she hit the floor unconscious in front of me.

Margaret rolled her eyes.

"Weak" She said slamming her foot into Elsie's stomach.

"Stop!" I cry before realising what I was doing.

Margaret turned towards me.

"What?" She spat.

"N-nothing" I stutter.

Margaret slammed her fist into my stomach and then kicked me in the face.

I groaned and fell to my side.

Margaret gave me one last kick in the leg before walking out closing the door behind her.

I lay on the floor for a while before slowly standing up. Pain taking over my whole body.

I limp over to Elsie and take hold of her shoulders and drag her over to her bed.

I drop her onto the floor gasping for air as my body screams in pain.

I lift her by the shoulders my body crying out for me to stop.

Eventually I get Elsie onto her bed and cover her up with her quilt and then make my way over to my bed and collapse onto it falling asleep almost straight away.


*Elsie's POV*

"Oh my god" I whisper once Annette had finished telling me everything.

"I'm gonna kill her" I say to Annie.

Annie smiled slightly.

"No really" I say.

"Sure" Annie replies sarcastically  with a smirk.

The Adopted ~Benedict Cumberbatch~Where stories live. Discover now