Fisher and Chica

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I put my hand over my mouth. A week? He got into a car crash? I feel horrible now. "Do you think he is going to be okay?" I ask nervously. Amanda thinks about the question. "I'm sure he will be fine. I mean, he has gotten through a tumor in his abdomen so I'm sure he's okay." I look around and cross my arms. Just as I was going to say something, a notification rings on the computer. I nod and walk quickly to his room.

"What do you need?" I ask with a smile. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Tyler is gone. "Can I ask your opinion? I've been thinking about this for a while." I nod slowly. "When do you think I am going to get out of here?" I think about the question. "I'd say maybe another week or two. That crash seemed bad." I say. He flinches as I say the last sentence and frowns. "You should get going soon. It's almost ten." I look at his clock. "Yeah I should get going, thanks. See you tomorrow." He smiles and says in a quiet voice "see you tomorrow." I walk back to my desk and pack my things.

I pull into my driveway. The only thing I can think about right now is my German Shepard, Fisher. I unlock the door and wait for her barks but only hear silence. I walk through the house looking for her. In her bed, under my bed, and in the kitchen by the vent. She isn't anywhere. I go outside and look for her but freeze on the step down. Instead of seeing a playful pup running around with a toy, I see a limp figure almost like a dog with scratch marks all over it.

I run across the lawn and kneel next to Fisher, tears rolling down my eyes. I feel around for a pulse, but to no avail. There is a puddle of blood around her and a very deep bite mark in her neck. I look around for any sign of another animal. I stand up and feel for loose boards, finding two big enough for a bobcat to fit through. I shuffle slowly back over to Fisher, crying endlessly. The only thing I really loved and made me happy, taken away from me.

I pick up her blood-stained body, not caring about my scrubs. I carry her next to the steps and set her down. I run inside and get a wash cloth, getting it wet with water. I walk back outside and start cleaning her fur, the orange light making her almost black fur more of a orange-red color. I scrub her fur and clean her scars until she is clean, having to throw out multiple wash cloths in the process. Once she is clean, I patch up the wounds so they don't bleed and drag her bed outside and set her on it.

My dreams are filled with a mixture of Fisher playing catch with me and nuzzling up to me on the couch, to a monster scratching her to shreds. After hours of me waking up and getting water, the sun rises. I take a shower and put on different scrubs, the old ones stained with blood. I get in my car with a granola bar and eat it on the ride to work.

I set my bag under my desk and wait patiently for Mark to call. 6:36. It's going to be a long morning. I talk to Lily for a bit, trying not to think about Fisher. Once I work up the courage to tell her, I take a deep breath. "I need to tell you something." She moves her chair closer and leans in. "What is it?" She asks. "You know Fisher?" I ask, holding back my sorrow. She hesitates. "Yeah..." I take another deep breath. "Well, something got to her, something big, and Fisher didn't win." Lily looks suddenly sad. "I'm so sorry. Did you want my boyfriend to maybe come over and...uhh...dig a grave?" I nod and smile. "That would be great."

Finally, at 9:37, the ringing sound goes off saying that room 16 wants me. I stand up quickly and walk to Mark's room. I open the door and grin at his sleepy smile. "What do you need?" I ask. "Just some water." He says in a scratchy voice. I nod and get water from the water fountain in the hall.

We talk for a bit and I tell him about Fisher. He comforts me and tells me about his dog, Chica. I smile at the stories he tells which makes me forget about Fisher for a bit. There is a pause in the conversation and Mark's stomach growls. "Do you want me to get you some food?" Mark looks disgusted. "I can't have soup again." I look around. "I'll ask if you can have solid food." I say and walk out.

"Lily, can room 16, Mark Fischbach, have solid food yet?" She clicks a bit on her computer and reads something. "Umm..he can. I'd maybe give him stuff like bananas and other soft foods, maybe chicken for protein." I nod and walk to the cafeteria to get him food.

The tray piles up with warmed up waffles, an apple, and strawberry yogurt. I also add a Coke for myself. The total is $4.50. I walk away with just the food and a paper plate with syrup and a fork and go into the gift shop. "Do you have any water bottles?" I ask. The man at the register brings out a small water bottle, a few ones with the hospital logo, and a plain orange one. I pick the last one and pay.

"Guess what I got!" I say and walk into room 16. His face lights up as he looks at the food. He takes the food from my arms and instantly starts eating. I sip from my Coke and talk to him more about our dogs. But, just before I get into a story about when Fisher went sledding in the state I used to live in, I remember the water bottle. "Wait, I have something for you." Mark pauses half way into biting into a waffle. I pull out the water bottle and hand it to him. "I figured since you are always calling to get water, I'll make my job a little easier."

He looks up at me with sadness in his eyes and I try to back track. "I mean, I love helping you, you've been my favorite patient on this floor so far. Don't tell anyone I said that." He laughs and looks back down at his breakfast. I cross my arms and look away. I almost just blew it.

He finishes his breakfast and sets the paper plate on a side table next to his bed. I stand up to leave, but I feel pressure on my wrist. "I can't be here alone for much longer. Tyler isn't supposed to be here for another hour." I pull my arm away, our hands brushing against each other for just a second. "I'm sorry. Duty calls, I guess. I'll be back soon." He lets me walk to the door but stops me as I put my hand on the doorknob. "Just know, that when I get out of here, I still want to be friends with you. You are a good person, remember that." I smile and blush as I reply. "You are a good person too. It's so amazing how much you love your fans as well." He smiles back and looks down. I exit the room and grab my wrist where he had his hand.

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