The Date

586 20 6

Your POV
It's been a full week of Mark only calling twice a day. He has gotten stronger though and can walk around for a few minutes by himself. Plus, my boss, Mr. Thomas keeps flirting with me. It's disgusting and very unprofessional. Amanda has been trying to rat me out in any way possible as well. I guess that's the only reason I'm glad the boss likes me.

It's finally Friday and I'm packing my bag to go home. Lily looks at me with that look that tells me the boss wants me again. I stand up and walk to his room. "I wanted to ask you something that doesn't have anything to do with work." He starts, twirling a pencil in his hand. He suddenly stops and looks at me. "Are you free tonight?" He asks. Goosebumps form on my arms and I look to the side. He's my boss, I can't say no. "Yeah, I'm free." I say. Just one date. If he wants to see me again, I'll just say that I can't or don't want to see him.

"Well, did you want to do something for dinner?" He asks. He becomes nervous all of the sudden. I make myself blush and look down. "Sure. What time?" I ask. This is such a bad idea. "Maybe at five?" He asks. "I'll give you my number so I can pick you up." Mr. Thomas adds. I nod and take the slip of paper he scribbled numbers on. He smiles and excuses me, looking at his computer as I close the door.

As I am in the car, the only thing I can think of is Mark. I wish he could have asked me out instead of my boss. I shake the thoughts from my head and pull into my driveway, walking inside to a silent home. I miss Fisher so much. I stare at her food and water dish that I never got rid of and feel tears bubbling up on my eyes. I look away and walk into the bathroom to take a shower, getting ready for my date tonight.

Mr. Thomas pulls up after him demanding me through text that I call him Liam. I walk out in my white sweater and black leggings with a purple infinity scarf around my neck. It is winter after all. It's almost Christmas in fact, only three weeks away. As Liam compliments my outfit and starts driving down the road, I think about the people I should buy a present for. Besides Mark, nobody comes to mind, since all of my family basically disowned me and made me move to LA, far away from my home town in Tennessee.

We pull into a place called Harry's Restaurant, a small restaurant with blue booths and the smell of French fries in the air. We find a table and start making small talk. I order a water and he orders a Coke, not making eye contact and basically ignoring the waitress. I don't say anything and continue to listen to Liam's rambling.

The food finally comes and I get a burger with fries. Liam got the same thing, but instead of enjoying time together, he starts taking giant bites of the burger, trying to talk as he chews. I take a small bite of mine. Tasteless. I set the burger down and take a bite of a French fry. At least they provide salt and pepper at every table. I talk to him as he chews and look out the window into the street light brightened parking lot. I wish Mark was here. He would actually make me feel like I was worth something.

Liam pays and we get back in his car, but he doesn't start it. Instead, he turns in his seat and looks me in the eye. He then tries to smile sexily and says, "I had a really good time tonight, maybe we could do it again?" But, as he is saying that, I feel pressure on my inner thigh. I look down at my black leggings, only this time, there is a hand there. I just smile at him and say, "Maybe." And shift in my seat, his hand pulling back to his own lap.

I look out the window as houses and trees go by, some of them decorated with white Christmas lights. I smile at the festive feeling I am getting and rest my head on the window. Liam finally pulls into my drive way, me getting out almost instantly. Liam gets out too, closing the car door and walking up to me. "Did you have a good time?" He says. I just nod and look down. "Yeah, I did." I cross my arms and look down the road.

"It's cold out here, you should get going." He smiles and brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear. I just look at my door, trying my best to get him to leave. He finally gives up and pulls out of my driveway, I watch him as his car rolls away into the distance, taking a right and driving out of sight.

Nurse (A Markiplier x Reader Story) COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora